24 - Bottoms Make Great Boyfriends

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heh , smut yay

also like, 5ish more chapters...no sequal c:



Witnessing a Black Cat go off in a man's crotch is quite a sight to see.

Hilarious, but wicked messed up.

Cory wouldn't stop squirming and crying, rolling around to try and put the bright, loud popping out. His crotch was smoking as the material caught fire, no doubt burning his skin and in the midst of our laughter, I figured I didn't want him to have third degree burns. So I nudged Jack and he pouted but complied, carefully walking up to the burning man who was popping off like the fourth of July and stomped the fire out, making Cory recoil in pain. I didn't care though that he was bruised and broken, and burned. I just cared to get away with it all.

After putting out the fire, Jack nodded for us to get out of there after a few taunting threats towards Cory and we fled the scene back to his car. The three of us slipped in, driving off into the dark night with the crimes we had just commited in our closets along with the other skeletons. I'd never be able to take this night back, but I didn't want to anyways.

"Hey," Jack said as Cooper pulled a little ways away from my house, his whole body turning in his seat as he reached out and grabbed my face in his hand, his dark eyes staring into mine threateningly, "I don't give a shit who you tell about this, seriously, brag all you want. But you leave Copper and me out of it, got that? We were never here, and we never helped you. Understand?"

I nodded quickly, my jaw starting to hurt from how hard he was holding onto my face, "Yeah, I understand."

"Good." He smirked, "Cause if you don't, I'll cut your fucking nuts off."

I flinched when he released my face and playfully slapped me, although it hurt a bit and he grinned, his face somehow seemingly innocent, "Your boyfriend wouldn't really appreciate that, would he?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I corrected with a shrug, "I don't have a boyfriend."

"Hm, that's a shame," he frowned, a wink fluttering to his eye, "Cause you're kinda hot."

I knew he only meant that in a joking way, but I still had to fight back the blush that wanted to flood onto my cheeks. Compliments from boys, joking or not, never got a reaction from me except for an eye roll. But now, the male species was becoming increasingly appealing to me. I had Cj to blame for that.

"What do I do if Cory tries to get revenge?" I asked, my hand on the door handle.

Jack shrugged, running a hand through the front of his locks and fully exposing his thick, dark eyebrows, "You hit me up, idiot. If the dog wants to bite back, we'll just have to put him down for good."

My left eyebrow rose in suspicion as I blinked at him, my voice cautious, "You're not suggesting we ki-"

"I'm suggesting whatever you think he deserves," he cut me off, his lips twitching into a half smile, "But if it is something messy, you have my number."

I slowly nodded, looking between him and Cooper, my voice genuine and grateful, "Thank you guys, really. I don't know what I would've done without you."

"No problem," Jack grinned, his head tilting to the side, "But you do know this means I own your ass now, right?" He winked again, "Metephorically speaking. I wouldn't want your boyfriend looking to cat-fight me to death."

This time I rolled my eyes, pushing the car door open as I got out and shut it behind myself, "Once again, he's not my boyfriend."

"Whatever you say, princess," he sarcastically cooed, sparking up a cigarette as he watched me from the passenger side window, "Need anything else before Cooper and I ride off into the sunset?"

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