19 - Tattle-Telling Back Stabber

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"Dinner's ready."

I glanced up from my place seated on the bed with my back against the wall, a notebook and pencil in hand. Cory stood in my doorway after opening the useless door that I hadn't made a point to attempt to lock anymore, a lazy glare on his brow. The words he had spoken pricked my ears to full attention, seeing as I was starving. I'd been alone and bored in this shit house for a full week with nothing to do but text or call, play games on my phone, and draw. It was now more than ever that I realized how much of a prison cell this house was becoming and I couldn't wait until I was able to roam free again.

"Did you make it?" I questioned cautiously with an arch to my brow, somewhat suspicious of anything and everything he did.

"Don't worry, Princess; It's just microwaveable pizza."

"Don't call me that." I snapped, glaring at him.

He rolled his devious eyes with a bored tone to his voice, "Are you going to eat or not?"

I reluctantly nodded as he stepped aside to allow a path through the door way and I watched him carefully before slidding off my bed and leaving the room to hop down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I glanced around as I made my way to the counter where the melty cheese pizza sat cooling and I carefully picked up a piece and turned around, only to step back and knock into the counter. Cory had been standing directly behind me, making my heart jump and my breathing threatened to quicken as I glared at him before moving to go around him, but he simply slammed a hand down on the counter to corner me. I realized the severity of the situation and went to go the other way, but his other hand was quick and I was stuck facing him, his arms on either side of me with his eyes devilishly teasing.


"No." He refused with an amused glint in his dark eyes.

My jaw tightened as I stared at him, showing no fear even though my nerves were beginning to jump, "Where's Karen?"

"Out." He answered simply with a nonchelant shrug.

I swallowed, my only form of security 'out', "I said, move."

"And I said, no." He teased, making my skin boil, "Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Just move," I insisted quickly, pushing his shoulder as I slipped passed him but he grabbed my arm, yanking me back against the counter.

I glared at him with quickened breath, my heart beginning to thud as he leant closer to me, his eyes going even darker, "We have some ground rules to set before you can run off."

"I'm already grounded." I pointed out, leaning back from him as much as I could, "I can't leave for two weeks. The rules have already been set."

"Those were Karen's rules," he brushed off, a sinister grin twitching onto his lips, "My rules though, are very different. And, they are to be kept between the two of us."

I blinked, cautiously watching him as my head pounded with red flags, "You're not my parent; I don't have to listen to your rules."

He shrugged, his words chilling to the bone as my stomach flipped with disgust at his husky tone, "I may not be your parent, but you can still call me daddy if you want."

There were no words needed as I flinched, shoving him as hard as possible as I slipped passed him again and darted from the kitchen, only to be caught by my wrist. On impulse, I turned and slammed the slice of pizza into his face, causing him to stumble back and wipe the food from his angered expression.

"Don't you dare say something like that to me again," I threatened with gritted teeth, holding my ground a safe distance away from him. My breathing had gone jagged by now from the boost of adreneline and I ran a hand through my frazzled hair to somewhat calm myself down.

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