5 - Caught: Novel by Green Bean

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short chapter i am sorry ;-;

oh and, Green Bean on the screen *-* <3

and just in case you are all wondering, yes, his nickname is racist. And is it just me or do you all have that one friend who your friends are really racist to but in a joking way? no? just my friends?

oh ;-; .....



 I held my breath, a slight beating in my chest. The air was full of emotional tension and I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to hold out for. I was focused to say the least, and so was Cj as I looked into his eyes and saw the same nervousness that my own eyes held. I worked my fingers along with the rhythm of my anxious heart, trying hard to keep up.  A bead of sweat formed at the base of my forehead as the rest of my body shivered. This wasn’t like any other time I’ve done this before. No, this was all new to me and I found that I liked it. I LOVED IT! No one else had supplied me with an experience like this before, and I was surprised, more like astonished that’d it be the awkward freshman who found his way into me like this.

I gasped, finally letting the air I had bottled up out as I threw my head back, completely defeated

“How the hell are you so good at this?!”

He shrugged, giggling, “I don’t know. I always play Black Ops when you and Ben are out doing stuff. I guess I just got good over time.”

We were in a heated battle, curtesy of the Xbox 360, and like before, Cj had beaten me again, “I don’t care. This is ridiculous. How could you betray me like this?”

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, a small smile on his lips, “Will you ever be able to forgive me?”

I shrugged, picking my head up, “Possibly, if you supply me with info,” there was a hint of sneakiness in my voice, “Spill: Who’s this Daniel kid?”

He looked a bit nervous as he set the controller down and moved to sitting on the couch, leaving the floor, “He’s in my grade. I met him in Spanish. He likes Game Boys-”

“No, no, Cj,” I stopped him, moving onto the couch as well, “I meant who is he, to you.”

“A boy in my grade. Who I met in Spanish class-”

I scoffed, “You are extremely difficult to get a clear answer out of.”

“Maybe I don’t want to give you a clear answer.”

His voice was so quiet.

I kept a cocky tone in my own voice, a thin smile on my lips as I watched his shy face, “Why not?”

He began fiddling with his fingers and bit his bottom lip, making the air around me limp, “I don’t know…”

“Mhmm, sure,” I said sarcastically, leaning back onto the couch and getting comfortable as I lifted an arm behind the back it.

I wished he would tell me why, but it was probably too complicated to explain. I didn’t care though, I mean, why would I? Cj is my best friend’s little brother. That means I shouldn’t be concerned with him and his feelings, no matter how much I was dying to know about them.

“He’s just a friend,” he finally blurted out, looking at me for approval before looking back at his hands.

“Oh, a friend?” I nodded like I was agreeing, although I was still suspicious, “You sure?”

Wait, why did I care?!

“Yes,” he finished before retracting that answer, “I mean no. Well, sort of.”

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