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One more fluff chapter before i break yall

"I... Didnt know you had a cat." Kenma whispered.

Kurro grinned proudly. "Yes. Her names biscuit."

_________________________________________20 hours later Kenma was pretty sure if he could he would have already murdered Mondays.

   He resists the urge to murder his alarm clock by setting it on fire and drowning it in a tub of bleach by ducking under his pillow and molding it to shape around his ears. He just wants to sleep. Not even the smell of freshly made sugar-less black coffee, or the promise of cafe food could even pull him out of this. Not today.

  He does peak out from beneith the pillow however, but quickly fixes a sleepy glare at the clock. 5:05 mocked him and in return he growled into the dark.

Fuck, he overslept.

  A cat meows outside his door and starts scratching desperately on the wood. It stops momentarily and Kenma freezes just for it to start up again.

Grumbling he sits up, "Okay, okay, I'm coming. Fuck." He opens up the door to a very small cat and it immediately intrudes in his space, pawing at him and purring at his feet.

"Hey, no. None of the cutsy shit this early. You're lucky I feed you for the bedhead."

  The cat just meowed louder completely ignoring his request, and Kenma was already done.

  Pulling out his phone he scrolled through his list of contacts before walking to the kitchen, the kitten screaming at him at this point.

  It rings a few times and then suddenly a noise can be heard, "Ah! Hey Ken! Is everything okay?" A crash could be heard in the background.

  "No, I- are you in the middle of a heist right now- never mind. Your damn cat is screaming at me."

  Silence went on for a moment before Kuroo spoke with an air of disappointment, "Did you feed her?"

  "Yes, dumbass, I fed her last night before i-" he looked over at the bowl to see it was completely empty. "...Fuck. I must have fallen asleep."

  Kenma sighed, "Ken, if you can't take care of her until I get home take her to Bokuto."

   "Fucking fine. I don't know why you asked me to do this in the first place."

   "Kenma you offered to catsit when I told you I'd pay." Kuroo stated. 

   Kenma sighed. Sure their relationship had gotten better after the past week but the damn bedhead was like a brother who could get under every suface of his skin.

   "Shut up When are you coming back?"

   "Tonight! I just have to finish this
and I'll be back to the flat."

  "Okay I'll hold onto the rat until then but you owe me."

  "Thanks Kitten." There was a crash and some rustling on the other end before Kuroo was back, "ah, I got to go! Ill see you soon!"

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