re·mem·brance/rəˈmembrəns/ {before the morning}

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Rain softly hit against the window glass, and Kuroo paced frantically as kenma was passed out on top of the couch.

He glances at the clock, and then outside, glaring at the rain. There was a suspicious amount this year, and it was almost like the world was weeping- mourning for all the pain the universe had suffered and will continue to experience.

He turned back to kenma who was now- still passed out, mumbling in his sleep.

As soon as they had walked in soaked from the pool, Yamaguchi had helped set the assassin on the couch. The room was warm, yet Kuroo had felt so cold that he immediately ripped off his clothes and changed into a hoodie, distantly wondering if Kenma needed one too.

When he had returned to the living room, Tsukishima was washing his hands in the sink, blood colored water swirling around the drain. Yamaguchi was still sitting right next to kenma, and he looked up at the hitman as soon as his presence was known. Yamaguchi seemly taking the least damage out of all of them- thanks to Tsukishima, only had a slight gash on his leg, his pants ripped at the seem on the side, showing the thin cut.

"I can't stay here for to long... but he is loosing a lot of blood from his shoulder and head. Hes only a first year med student, but my college partner is better at it then I am when it comes to this kind of stuff. Would you like me to call him? He is on vacation but he's Kenma's friend." He said calmly.

"I-um yeah. Yes please." Kuroo sighed.

Kenma's friend huh? Kenma having friends seemed out of character for the small assassin, yet part of Kuroo was happy. He had a chance of kenma trusting him. Why it mattered to him was a mystery but deep inside it made him feel insane.

Yamaguchi stood up from his crouching position and went to the kitchen to wet a wash cloth and speak to his partner. Kuroo sighed and sat, scooting closer to kenma.

"Hey, ken. Its going to be okay I promise. Just be okay. Please. I don't know why I care so much. We just met... I just feel so attached to you. You seem so familiar. Please."

His voice cracked but he opened up his mouth to speak again, "Please be my home." He whispered, reaching out to pet Kenma's hair. It was soft, and long, falling out of its bun in places, and the blonde parts bleeding into the brown curled so nicely around Kuroos finger.

He smiled and stood up as Yamaguchi came back, rag in hand, a first aid kit, and a phone in hand. The med student started removing Kenma's top, and Kuroo looked away slightly out of respect, yet still curious about the extent to the damage.

Once the top was off Kuroo stood behind Yamaguchi, slowly studying the small figure. He was... soft. His stomach wasn't tight, but instead he had a soft, round, yet thin stomach. It looked as if it was made from clay, and Kurro found himself wanting to kiss at it.

A small gash oozed blood on his side, and Yamaguchi cringed. Kurro- still staring at kenma, distantly heard The phone ring a few times, and a soft voice- a little stressed, picked up the phone.

"Hey, yams! What's up? I'm on vacation with- OW! YAMA IM GOING TO SMACK YOU!"


A large crash could be heard and some fumbling, before the guy came back on the phone, out of breath.

"Sorry about that Yamaguchi- kageyama and I were just-"

"Hinata it's okay- I get it. This is an emergency. Kenma-"

"Kenma? is he okay?"

"Hes fine. Maybe- anyways, he was on a mission and something went wrong. I can't give you details but the extent to his damage is mildly severe, but there might be more?"

Suddenly hinata was in full work mode.

"Tell me the location of them, what type of injury's they are and make sure you let me know about his state of consciousness."

"Okay ummm.. it looks like-"

The rest of the world drowned out and kuroo clutched his hair as he looked at kenma. He was sweating, still soaked from the pool, and shaking at the same time. He looked uncomfortable and all kuroo wanted to do was hold him.

"Okay Yamaguchi I'm going to walk you through the stitching process. Please sterilize the needles and do EXACTLY as I say. You can do it. Also please have someone hold kenma down."

Yamaguchi looked towards Tsukishima who shook his head in disgust. The med student glanced back at kuroo, and he furrowed his brows, stepping forward to hold kenma.

This was not what he meant.

He slid onto the couch, and pulled kenma closer, gripping onto his waist, and softly stroking his forehead and cheeks. The sweat was sticky and he would have to change later, but kenma came first.

Yamaguchi took out a bottle, and apologetically looked up at kuroo.

"Hey wait why do you look like you are apologizing to me-"

Yamaguchi tipped the bottle down and a clear liquid came out and spilled all over Kenma's side. The assassin screeched, and thrashed in pain, and kuroo held him tighter in horror.

Yamaguchi tipped the bottle again, cringing, and Kenma screamed again and it sounded so... broken. Like he was in his own personal hell. He probably was.

"Shhh kenma baby it's okay. I'm here." Kuroo cooed, not noticing his slip up." Yamaguchi and Tsukishima- now standing behind him, shot him a questioning look but the hitman ignored him, continuing to hold his new friend.

  "No! No! Please stop touching me! Please!"

Kuroo gripped tighter, and Yamaguchi started cleaning the wound. As soon as he brushed near it with the sterilizer kenma gasped,  "DAD PLEASE! PLEASE STOP TOUCHING ME!"

Kurro broke.

The rest of the night was filled with screams, and shouts, and sounds of crying. By the end of it kenma- even though asleep, looked exhausted. So did Yamaguchi, so when it came time to go, Tsukishima carried him bridal style to the door, bid kuroo goodbye, and left the two partners in the apartment alone.

The clock ticked on the wall slowly, and kuroo sighed, picking kenma up as carefully as he could, and placed him in his bed.

Tomorrow was going to be hard, but he knew kenma would pull through.

That might kuroo walked through the events of the day, petting kenma for comfort.

He was going to kill lev. And when he did... he would show the whole world that what happened to kenma, would look pale In comparison to lev's future.

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