A Hinderence Of Grand Plans

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   Shit shit shit shit shit. SHIT.
This was a mistake. A very large, very stupid mistake.
    If Kurro looked back, really looked back, he wouldn't probably have wanted to meet someone like an assassin. But fate works weird like that.
    'Kenma. Kenma. Kenma.' The name was a constant chant in his head ringing like broken bells, as he pulled fast around the corner on his motorcycle, effectively pulling the break hard and coming to a stop. He climbed off the bike throwing it to the side,  ripping off his helmet.
    The hard material made a cracking sound as it connected with the pavement, landing into a puddle. He reached up to touch his face, cringing at the tears now sticking to his finger.
"Fuck." He cried, "I've lost him again."
                                  -A Hindrance Of Grand Plans-

"I-I'm very sorry! What did I do? Tell me and I'll fix it, I'll even give you money! " A man- about 5'9, with black curly hair, let out a pathetic whimper. He scooted back on carpeted flooring, already soaked in blood. A gash visibly was dripping from the man's dark curls showing that he had just taken a hard blow, his glasses were askew on his face, not concealing the fear in his eyes.
The carpet was soaked enough for the blood to bleed back up to the surface of the fibers when stepped on, and the smell of the apartment was over barring. Trash cans were filled to the brim- probably from not being taken out in weeks, and there was only what Kuroo could assume to be Cat shit on the floor by a dead, poorly potted plant.
The victim's back connected with the wall and his eyes grew wide, shock from being cornered settled into his face quickly. Kuroo would have appreciated this look if he was any more of a sadist- The victim whimpering at his feet, puppy dog eyes swiveling around, looking for any weapon or a way to escape.

"Sorry to break it to you man, but the amount of money I'm getting for killing you is more than what you could ever give me." Kuroo grinned sending a chill up his victim's spine. Tipping his chin up Kuroo locked eyes with the man through his bangs, lifting the handgun in his right-hand parallel to his shoulder.
The target was whimpering more than before, tears threatening to spill down the already blood-stained cheeks. It was like this every time. The victim would try to bribe him in their last minutes, choking out rushed apology's, and offering large masses of money, gasping through the pain.
It always ended the same though. Bullets through the left or right eye- depending on the day, knife in the back of one of the many other killing tricks the hitman had learned over the years, all of them ruthless.

To Kuroo, everyone on his hit list was a sack of shit. They were practically scum if someone was willing to pay Kurro's requirement sum for a mission. Sometimes it wasn't like that though, so he always made sure to double-check or the deal would be off.
They all were worth killing for the money but not his time. Most of his victims were rapists, murders, assassins, or overpowered government officials. Most of them being cops, the fuckers.

Kuroo steadied the revolver with his non-dominant hand, finally aiming it towards the target right eye. Grin stretching from ear to ear, Kuroo sighed, looking down towards the now sobbing human being beneath him.
Kurro smirked, "Shall I come to say hi in hell?" The man's eyes widened, and he gasped.
The victim had got up into a kneeling position, and now was trying to crawl forward on his knees quickly, reaching out for the gun.

Kuroo curled his finger around the trigger and squeezed. Crimson hit every surface in a foot radius, heavily sprinkling on the Hitman's face, as he watched the victim hit the ground face first with a soft thud. Cringing at the man on the floor, Kuroo reached his hand up to wipe his face, carefully stepping away from the corpse.

"Bokuto." He said quietly. Immediately his earpiece connected with static, and shortly after connecting, Bokuto quickly started to flood information into Kurro's attentive ear.
"Hey hey hey! Nice kill!" He chuckled, "The police haven't been called yet to my knowledge-" a pause, "You have maybe 5 minutes to exit the building before they are contacted. That should give you about 10 minutes. I think."
Kuroo grinned, "Oh? Questioning yourself, Bo? Why do you sound so Unsure?"
"Somethings different this time. Errr, Don't worry about it though. You still have time." by the sound of it, he knew Bokuto was now grinning too.

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