Loved Imperfections

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(TW: This chapter contains mentions of self harm, and depression. Please read with caution, or don't read this chapter at all. It isn't detrimental to the plot, and your mental health comes first. 💕)

The clock on the counter ticked painfully slowly, never pausing to give Suga even a moment to breathe. The bar had been empty all day- which wasn't strange for Sunday's, and sometimes Suga enjoyed the quiet. Today sadly wasn't one of those days. He felt weaker, and more tired then normal, The days started to blend together, and his hope was slowly pivoting towards the floor, faster then a falling rocket from space. If there was anything that kept him smiling- and happily working, it was Daichi, who had just walked up the stairs from the underground building.

"Hey." He said warmly, reaching His boyfriend, wrapping his arms tightly around suga's aproned waist.

Suga turned and sighed into his shoulder, "Hi." He did a double take.



"Yes, ew. Your sweating all over me." Suga grinned, playfully pushing against Daichi's chest.

"Oh. Well then I might as well," Daichi brought his head and settled it on Suga's neck, ruffling his hair as he shook it like a dog.

Suga giggled trying to push at his boyfriend, "Ew! That's disgusting! Samuawara! Shame on you!" Daichi laughed whole heartedly, and all suga could think about in that moment was he was happy. Sadly moments don't last forever.

Noticing Suga's drop in mood, Daichi looked down, tipping his chin up with calloused fingers, bringing their noses to brush against each other.

"Is... it bad today?" The smaller male smiled sadly and walked forward back towards Daichi. Suga was wrapped into an even tighter hug, enveloping himself in his lovers warmth.

"I wish there was more I could do..."

"Dai, we talked about this... it just takes time. I'm doing better I promise."

"Really? No new scars, or anything?" Daichi started to pull at his boyfriends sleeves, and earned a little harder then playful smack to the wrist. Daichi knew Suga didn't like it when he acted like this, and he honestly didn't mean to.

"I'm- im really sorry Suga. That was overstepping my boundaries. Come lay down with me?"

"I will once I get the bar closed up. Go ahead and go upstairs, and I'll finish down here."

"You sure?"

Suga smiled, standing up on his toes to kiss Daichi's nose softly, "Definitely."

The cleaning process took a little longer then ten minutes, and by the time Suga had dragged himself up the stairs, he didn't know if he had any energy left for the rest of the night. Walking down the hall, Suga opened a sliding door that led to Suga, and Daichi's two bedroom apartment, right over the bar.

"I'm home." Suga called out jokingly, as he stripped himself of his shoes, and apron. It was in the comfort of the apartment, that Suga didn't have to worry about opinions. He didn't have to wear long shirts to cover his arms, and no one brought out attention to the way his body looked. It was quaint.

"Suga, I'm in the bedroom." Daichi sung out. Sighing, he made his way to the bedroom, ready to tell Daichi that tonight wasn't the best night for pleasure, but when he reached the open door, he stopped.

The whole room was clean. It smelled like flowers, and pinewood candles. The sheets were replaced with new ones, a soft comforter laid over the bed, with Daichi on top- in PJ's and a stack of movies beside him. The tv from the living room had been moved into their bedroom.

"What's this about, Dai?" Suga asked quietly.

"Tonight is an "appreciate Suga night.""

"Oh." He walked forward and crawled onto the bed, it dipping slightly under his weight as he made his way towards his Boyfriend.

"What's on your mind tonight then?" Daichi smiled, and leaned forward to plant kisses softly on sugas face.

"Your scars-"


"No, listen to me Suga." The larger man scooped up Suga in his arms and rested him against the plush pillows lining the headboard.

"I'm making it my goal to appreciate you more. You do so much for me. You deserve everything." His voice cracked.

"You are beautiful.... all of you." Suga didn't know how to reply. It was the most kindest thing that suga had ever heard, but all he could do was quirk a brow at his boyfriend.

"All of me?" He smiled.

"Yes. All of you." Daichi leaned down and pulled Suga's shirt up his body, and started to work. He kissed each and every scar, every kiss followed by soft lines of reassurance, or love. All eventually forming what suga would later realize to be his new reason for staying alive.
It would no longer be just Daichi that kept him alive, but it would be his love, his fire and passion to keep Suga safe, that would make him feel worth the air he breathed.

It was only later, when Daichi removed the bartenders shorts- not to do anything sexual, but to prove his love in other ways, that Suga found himself crying tears of happiness. The rest of the night was spent with soft kisses, giggles, whispered love confessions, finally being wrapped up with a movie, and the best sleep Suga had received in years. The night wasn't filled with heat, or a burning passion to slide slick skin together, but was filled with love, passion for each other, and a greater understanding of what it really means to truly be alive.

And when they awoke, Daichi rolled over to see Suga lying on his back, arm extended towards the ceiling, trying to touch the golden flecks of light that leaked through the window.

"The purple bruises... I think of them like Galaxy's. Each one a different universe in its own." Suga turned around and faced Daichi, smiling sweetly.

"And each and every one of them love all of you."

It was that morning that Daichi and Suga both realized they weren't just boyfriends. They were lovers, family, partners in crime, and soulmates. And Suga wouldn't throw that away for the world.

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