Bending Plans

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Kenma was quite sure at this point that he made a mistake. He wasn't used to the coiling feeling in his gut appearing with every decision he made, and ever since he met that stupid Bed head that's all he's capable of feeling. He felt confused, unstable, and too warm for his liking.

Saturday went without a hitch, he had no contracts, no chores, he just spent the day lazying around the house, even taking a bath while playing his PSP.

Kenma sighed as he rested his head against the steering wheel of his car. He looked through the window at the apartments, and tried looking for the window that would be Kuroo's apartment. Spotting it on the second floor through the darkening sky he could see a strip of light coming through the blackout curtains. Sighing again he fished out his phone, fumbling with the keypad. Kuroo's contact pulled up, and he pressed call. On the third ring Kuroo picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" Kuroo said breathlessly, his struggle evident even through the phone.

"I'm outside."

"Oh f-fuck." A large crashing could be heard on the other end of the line, and with a quick glance up at the building, Kenma could see the lights turn on In the apartment below Kuroo. Repressing a snicker, Kenma coughed.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm struggling."

"I'm not laughing and if I was it was at your stupidity. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let me find my tie."

"Oh so you DID wear something nice." Kenma said smugly.

Kuroo gasped, "I'm a hitman, not an animal."

"Oh really? Glad we have that established, I was beginning to think you were a wild pig."

"Ouch. Did you just call me fat?"

Kenma grinned, "Your words, not mine."

Kuroo laughed happily, and it make Kenma's nose go pink.

"Give me five minutes."

"Okay." Once the call had ended Kenma groaned dropping his head harshly back against the steering wheel.

"What is happening to me?" He sighed to himself. A knock on the window ripped Kenma out of his confused daze, and he whipped his head up to lock eyes with Kuroo though the tinted window. Rolling it down Kenma took in his appearance.

Breathing suddenly seemed to come harder to Kenma. It was like he'd just run a marathon, his chest ached, and his lungs wasn't taking in enough oxygen. Kuroo stood outside the car, illuminated by nothing other then the streetlights. His obviously toned chest and arms were poorly hidden with a snug formal white button down, the maternal stretching taught over his biceps, and abdomen. Over it was a black open swallow-tail dress coat accompanied with black dress pants held up by suspenders. His collar wasn't tucked, and his tie was loosely done, and adding a bit of edge to the outfit, his natural bed head had been seemingly brushed through making it poof.

He had a shit eating grin stretching across his face and his right arm had been brought up to scratch his neck, in what Kenma assumed to be a nervous gesture.

"I couldn't tie my tie correctly." He said shyly, despite grinning.

"Just get in the car, Tetsurou." Kenma choked.

"You good?" Kuroo laughed. After not getting a response Kuroo shrugged and popped the car handle, pulling it open. He planted his leg In the floor board, and slid in, trying to adjust to the size of the car. Kenma reached over to the starter, and pushed the button, letting the car purr to life, and kuroo busied himself buckling his seat belt.

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