I Prefer Your Bedhead Anyway

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The window let in a cool breeze of air, making the white see through curtains flow softly into the small bedroom. Sheets had been tangled underneath two body's as they laid in the soft glow of the morning sun, candles from the previous night, long burned out. Turning his head slightly, Nishinoya was face to face with Asahi, who had wrapped his hand around the smaller males waist earlier in the night, accompanied by a large dog sleeping at their feet.

Nishinoya felt a pull at his heart, and he smiled one of his few domestic smiles, just staring at the sleeping man next to him. The tall figures hair cascaded around him, hair tie discarded on the dresser. Nishinoya leaned in closer as he took in the rest of Asahi's features. The way the long eyelashes casted slight shadows, and the way his hair parted, making the hard planes of his face look at peace. He was- not to Nishinoya's surprise, very beautiful.

They had been dating for three days now, and yeah maybe they took it too fast, but after 2 years of pining after one another it seemed like the perfect night for them to crawl in bed, dog and all, and drift off into a deep sleep.

Asahi stirred, and stretched one side of his mouth up to yawn, bringing his hands up from Nishinoya's waist to stretch. Finally opening his eyes he smiled softly at his boyfriend.

"Good morning." He whispered.

Noya grinned, "Morning."

"I bet I look like a mess huh?"

"Eh, I prefer your bed head anyway." Nishinoya giggles.

"Do you want breakfast?"

Asahi turned to sit up, when Noya grabbed his wrist pulling him back down. Seeming startled Asahi didn't move, and waited patently for Nishinoya to explain.

"S-sorry. I want you to stay. A little longer, please."

Sighing, Asahi set his head back down on the pillow, and grabbed Nishinoya by the waist, bringing him closer. The silence was nice, but when was Nishinoya ever silent?

"I love you." Nishinoya blurted.


The weight of a two year old secret was finally out and in the open, the first time the word "love" was actually being said. The dog still sleeping soundly at their feet, Nishinoya looked up at his boyfriend to see him blushing softly. Asahi brought up a hand, and slid his thumb across Nishinoya's cheek, and forehead-slowly tucking the bleached strand back, and finally his lips.

"Can... can I kiss you, Nishinoya?"

The smaller male sat up quickly, startling Asahi,"Of course you can!"

"Sorry... yeah. Of course you can." He said softer.

Asahi chuckled, and leaned in slowly, allowing his lips to connect with his boyfriends. Nishinoya melted into the kiss, only parting for air. Quickly it became more fast paced as Asahi pressed down more, allowing himself to get lost in the feel of soft lips on his.

Nishinoya slowly sat up, throwing his leg over Asahi's torso so he could straddle him. Leaning up into the kiss more Asahi brought up his hands and run them up Nishinoya's side underneath his shirt.

They didn't break apart even when the dog woke up, moved off the bed, and onto the floor. Everything was perfect.

A sharp rap on the front door, and three doorbells later, Asahi broke a part sighing heavily.

"We can ignore it."

"What if it's something serious?"

"You're always worrying, Asahi."

"Please? Baby?"

Nishinoya flushed a deep red as he took his leg back from over Asahi, and stood up. They were about to get dressed- still both clad in boxers, and Nishinoya a large T shirt, when the door bell sounded again, followed by more urgent knocks.

Asahi ran into the living room, followed by Nishinoya, and as they opened the door they were met with a very tired, sweaty looking Daichi. He had tears running down his face, accompanied by smears of black.

"Daichi?" Nishinoya poked his head out behind his boyfriends bicep.

"O-oh sorry to," he panted, "ruin your morning,"

"Breathe, Daichi." Asahi said worriedly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"The bar." He choked.

"The bar? What happened to the bar?"

"I-it's on fire."

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