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Kenma was fairly sure this was very stupid, and not sanitary. He wasn't a doctor or a vet, he didn't even have any practice but the two times he had to stitch himself together, always having Hinata's guidance. Stumbling into his apartment around five am turned out to be more of a hassle than he originally thought, bleeding and out of breath. At least the contract was completed, 4,000,000 yen already wired into his offshore bank account.
Kenma toed out of his shoes and started towards his bathroom in the hall. The apartment he had rented was fully furnished, a couch accompanied by a black coffee table in the center. Resting on top of the black surface was a laptop and a cellphone. It had two other bedrooms, and an accompanying office, used mainly for Kenma's artwork, and side hobby's.
He opened the door to the bathroom and propped his hands against the sink, cringing at his bloody, sweat covered face in the mirror. Walking back had been a struggle, and to be honest, Kenma was tired, even after all that he could probably fall into the bliss of sleep, and never wake up. Sadly that wasn't how life worked.
"You... are stupid," Kenma whispered to himself, threading his fingers through his hair. Suddenly the blood trickled down past his rolled-up shirt sleeve and onto the quickly pooling puddle on the floor tile.
"Fuck." He needed to work fast If he wanted any chance of it healing correctly. Kenma opened the bottom drawer and rummaged through it, pulling out a small curved needle, cotton balls, bandages, and disinfectant.

He sat on the toilet and poured the disinfectant over his wound, the liquid dripping down his arm. Kenma hissed and picked up the needle, poking it above the entrance of the gash. He pushed it down into the skin at the beginning of his wound, almost not feeling anything. The first one always is easy.
Kenma Kozume was stubborn, he never wore a coat when he said he wouldn't, he never admitted he lost a fight (he didn't lose any anyway) and he would not- under any circumstances, tell anyone that he was in pain, already feeling the sting of tears prickling at his eyes when he started the second loop.
He applied pressure and went to stick the small needle up in a zig-zag motion. Gasping he realized He didn't know if he was even doing it right. Normally Hinata helped him in these situations when he rarely got injured.

Going off of memory wasn't a good idea but it was already around five-thirty, Hinata was probably asleep anyway. He let out another hiss, sweat dripping off his nose accompanying the blood on the floor. Kenma winced, waves of pain pulsing at him, like being repeatedly thrown at sharp rocks in the ocean.
A faint click could be heard and the front door creaked as it was opened. Kenma's eyes grew wide and snapped his head up. Was he that stupid? Did he leave the front door unlocked?
He let the needle fall, still attached to his skin by the thread, and slowly pulled out his gun from his pocket. He stood up and moved towards the door hiding behind it in a ready to shoot position.

"Kenma?" Said a soft voice. Hinata.
Kenma relaxed immediately, lowering the gun down, eventually finding the energy to slide it across the counter. It's official. This job was killing him.
"In here." He rasped out from the bathroom, sinking back down Into the toilet seat.

"Hey sorry for intruding, you just weren't answering your texts, wait why is their blood- oh my god!"
Hinata rounded the corner, his eyes pulling into large saucers at the sight of his friend. To Kenma this didn't look bad, but to Hinata, the assassin might have well killed a man in his own home. Kenma could see why. He would be concerned too if Hinata sat on the seat of his toilet, sweating, blood on his hands, clothes, and face, even staining the floor, somehow managing to get blood and sweat on every surface.

"What the hell?" Hinata asks.
"I tore my arm while chasing a contract." He said, mumbling. He never had to downright lie to him, and he wouldn't start now, no matter how embarrassed he was.
Hinata analyzed the bathroom, and then his eyes landed on Kenma's needle.
His eyes flashed with evident worry, "You did it wrong."

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