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Bokuto spun around in the office chair in their shared apartment, raising fisted hands into the air as Kuroo entered the room, "Hey, hey, hey, come look at this! It's interesting!"
Kuroo walked towards him, "How the hell do you get louder? Are you not turning up your volume all the way? I thought you were always in a constant state of screaming."
Bokuto grinned, "oh babe! I never thought that you liked my noises! I can make more now if you'd like-"
"No. Don't do that or I swear to the fucking gods I will hit you with the nearest object." The room went silent.

Kuroo suddenly stood up grabbing a pillow, and before he could strike, Bokuto tossed himself out of the chair, sending it across the room, and his body landing on the floor with a hard thud. He scrambled for purchase on the hardwood floor, his socks sliding and giving him less friction- He regretted not putting on those house slippers. Finally getting up, Kuroo ran forward with a pillow and proceeded to chase Bokuto around the apartment.
The apartment was clean, and organized, for the most part, looking lived in, unlike the recent short term ones.
The living room was spacious, with glass windows lining the back wall and a large couch in the corner. They had many gaming devices hooked up to the tv, which he hardly ever played, matching remotes on a glass table.

Their relationship was weird. They were the best bro's. Brothers. Bokuto lived there half the time, yet he had his apartment that he would frequently go to while in his moods.
They had met as kids. Kuroo had been walking home from school when he stepped into an elevator of his building with a sobbing boy In it. The boy had just lost both of his parents, and he didn't know what to do.
They've been together as best friends ever since.

Kuroo was closing in on Bokuto, grinning, and his partner yelped as the hitman pounced. They wrestled for quite some time, almost breaking the table as Bokuto used it as purchase to body slam Kuroo into the carpet.
"Ha! I win!" He breathed out as he rolled off  Kuroo and onto the floor breathlessly.
"Hey-" Kuroo wheezed, "no fair!"

They sat in comfortable silence for quite some time before speaking, "Bo, by the way.... what was I going to find interesting?"
Bokuto seemed to light up with the sudden question, and then back into a darkened expression, "Oh. You need to be at the Assassins AGARDA tomorrow at 7 am for a meeting."
Kuroo was taken aback, "I'm not an assassin, what could that organization want with me?"
"I don't know tets... I'd go if I was you." Bokuto said sitting up.
"Why? It's not my job."

Bokuto's cringed, "come look at this."
Kuroo sat up, and groaned, following his partner into the office room slowly. Something like unease settled in the pit of his stomach, telling him that whatever was waiting for him- could be anything considering what they are dealing with, would not be pretty.
"Here, look at this!" Bokuto ran and slid into the chair, letting it slide across the floor stopping at the computer.
He opened up google and clicked on the YouTube tab, searching up "Murder in Tokyo May 17th". Kuroo leaned forward and rested his hand against the back of the chair as Bokuto scrolled far down and found the video.

It was taken outside of a sushi shop, the video starting with a man walking down the streets, fumbling with his keys. He seemingly Tripped over a rock, yelping as he accidentally threw his keys a foot or two forward.
He stood up and walked over to the puddle that they landed in, once bent down to retrieve them he got hit directly in the small of his back. He fell to the ground, already swimming in the crimson-colored water. It took a second for kuroo to realize the man had been shot.
A tall man with glasses and a suit walked up to the gasping victim, whose mouth had already started dripping blood. The murderer kept his head down, not showing his face to the camera. It looked as if he knew it was there. He probably did.

"You know," the assassin spoke, and Kuroo shivered at the pure and unfiltered hatred seeping from the man, "that was from 30 yards away." He said pulling his hand up admiring his revolver. The man on the ground spat blood out, causing the man in the suit to cringe.

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