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Clouds rolled over Tokyo, and casted shadows into one of Akaashi's rooms, which had been inhabited by Daichi  laying down, sleeping on the bed.

Off in the distance thunder rumbled deeply, and the first drops of rain that day slowly fell from the sky, and hit the window.

Daichi hasn't understood just yet the pain of loosing someone so close to him. The feeling of losing his father wasn't even in comparison, even though he had a fairly good reason to be sad. With his dad he took one hour of mourning and moved on, realizing that it was his time to leave. But with Suga... they still had time. So much time.

Daichi sat up from the sweat soaked sheets, gasping for air, Sugas name on his lips.

"S-suga...? Suga." He gasped.

"Yes Daichi?" Suga giggled, bending down to meet Daichi at the table.

"I love you." Daichi whispered.

Smiling, Suga pressed his soft lips to Daichi's chapped ones, "I know, love. I know."

"I'm serious. I- i love you more then I've ever loved anything before, and I love you more then anything I ever will."

The feeling of warmth had long since left Daichi, leaving him feeling empty and cold. Suga was his light, and his fire. Somewhere in the back of his head Daichi thought that the way he died seemed fitting, even if it was making Daichi want to scream in despair.

"I know, I'll always love you as well. Till my dying breath."

He sat up farther.

Suga's gone.

He pulled himself off the bed.

Suga's gone.

He walked to the other end of the room, and touched the door knob, twisting it.

Suga's gone.

He broke into a fast pace as soon as the door was opened, walking faster down the stairs, walking even faster past the kitchen where Bokuto and Akaashi was having a silent breakfast, and faster out the door, as rain had started to pour a little harder onto the pavement.

Suga is... gone?

"Suga-" he gasped, running out into the rain. Not a car was in the street, and the overcast was dark, and cold.

"Suga..." he paced around the street, his breath becoming much more difficult to handle, coming in hot pants visible in the air.

He reached up and pulled at his hair till he felt blood, "SUGAAAAAAA!" He cried loudly, throwing himself at the ground harshly.

The rain came harder now, drenching Daichi in seconds, but he didn't care.

Suga's gone.

"SUGAAA!" He cried out again, voice breaking and drowning out in the sound of the wind and rain.

He felt like ripping out his heart, everywhere hurt, everything burned. His body
Was covered in Bandages, and he felt so done. So tired.

Everything felt over. The rain was hitting hard on his back, making him mix yelps of pain, with his sobs, tears flowing faster down his cheeks then the harsh rain drops. Water droplets were dripping from his short hair, and everywhere was liquid, unlike earlier, where everywhere was fire.

Suga always liked the storms.

He screamed again, and he couldn't feel,
Couldn't see, he could only see Suga's eyes, and his smile. He could only see him dancing in the rain, and bringing him flowers, and holding him close, and loving him. His laugh echoed in every part of Daichi's head.

Suga's gone.

"SUGA'S GONE!" He screamed out, louder then ever before, his throat ripping in protest. His voice cracked again, and he fell to the pavement. He laid there, and sobbed, not even caring about where he was.

Behind him Bokuto was clutching onto Akaashi's shirt, shaking. Akaashi turned away from Daichi, and wrapped his arms around Bokuto's form. They hugged for a moment, and then Bokuto went to go grab Daichi, and Akaashi went upstairs to call someone, and run a hot bath.

Suga, was in fact, gone.

Forever meant everything to them... but now it was no more then muttered words of two lovers, in which they were destined to never meet again.

Bokuto pulled up Daichi, and with tears streaming down his face, Daichi smiled.

Suga was always the one two steps ahead.


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