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It was mid-afternoon on a Monday, aka training day with Corporal Levi - the busiest day of the week in the med centre.

Or maybe, the most annoying day of the week, as every cadet tries to persuade us how, "Corporal just got lucky, that's all," or how, "It's just a slight sprain".

No one in the med centre has ever met Levi - most assume it's because he lives up to his title of "humanities strongest", but I think it's because he's too proud to let anyone else help him.

All I know is that he didn't, "just," get lucky.

"(Y/N), Jean is back," my co-worker, Petra, sighs.

"Don't worry, I'll take this one for the team," I say as I rest my hand upon my heart and nod slightly before walking into the ward room Jean was put in.

"(Y/N)! Hey..." Jean shuffles on the bed, left foot resting on a pillow.

"What is it this time, hmm?" I gently smile, taking my pen from my pocket and walking around to stand next to him.

His nose was speckled with dried blood and he had bruising across the left side of his face. His knuckles were scuffed and cut, and I could see drops of blood resting on his white shirt, presumably his own blood. But his left foot really stood out as the issue.

"It's nothing much, just some pain in my left ankle," Jean proclaimed in the manliest voice he could muster.

"Hmmm, how did you hurt it?" I sigh in disbelief that there's only, "some", pain.

"I tripped, haha, just tripped - over air, definitely just because of my own clumsiness," he chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. I reach over and lightly press under the joint of his ankle and he shrieks in pain and his whole body shoots up.

"Well, you've bruised the tendon in your left ankle, basically this will take 5 to 14 days to heal, depending on its severity, it will swell and feel stiff, you may experience trouble walking and slight instability so it's highly unlikely you just tripped, unless... you were tripped BY someone?" Jean's face sinks and he falls back onto the bed, defeated.

"Just- leave me alone to die," he groans playfully, to which I laugh and whisper, "wasted," before I leave him in his new room for this week.

I put his updated file back into the cabinet and tell the nurses what medicines Jean should be put on before going into my office and slouching on the sofa.

I'm surprised Levi would be going so hard on the cadets just a few days after they returned from their last expedition, you'd have to be incredibly strong to be able to injure someone so badly by just tripping them up. Apparently, they met an abnormal titan called "the female titan". Man, how I wish I could've seen it; I wish my dad would let me do what I trained to do. Petra's parents filed a complaint after all her squad, besides her and Levi, died due to this titan causing her to be "off-scout-duty", like me. At least we can sympathise with each other, except her dad doesn't breathe down her neck every second of the day. No one knows Erwin is my father, I take after my mother more so than him. My parents had me out of wedlock, so it's no wonder why Erwin doesn't feel like he owes much to me. I don't have a dramatic backstory about why I want revenge on the titans. I only joined the scouts to make my dad proud and now this camp is almost like a prison to me. Sometimes I wonder if-

"(Y/N)!" I hear a shout and my eyes snap open. "(Y/N)!" the person I now identify as Petra, shouts again. She opens my office door, finally, and sees me slumped on the sofa with heavy eyelids. "There's no time to nap, Erwin's here and he's forced Corporal Levi to be seen by a doctor," she shouts again.

It's no secret that Petra has a crush on Levi. Scrap that, she loves Levi.

"You can take it, I'm gonna go back to sleep," I sigh and close my eyes.

"Fine, suit yourself. Me and Levi are going to have a catch up!" She squeaked like a teenager talking about their favourite band. I chuckle as she skips out the room and doze back off.

For about 2 seconds before I hear Jean yelling my name.

I groan and stand up yelling variations of, "yes," and, "I'm coming now." I open my office door and walk into ward room 3, the one Jean is placed in, only to see a stern looking man with black hair in an undercut style.

"Uhh, sorry who are you? Where's Jean?" I ask the man. He turns to me and I notice the colour of his eyes, his sharp eyebrows and his slightly parted lips which made me bite my own. My eyes flickered back up in time to see his eyes widen very slightly when looking at me. In less than a second, he goes back to looking uninterested, makes a, "tch," noise and turns back to staring at his ankle.

Okay, what a dick.

"Excuse me, I asked you a question." I say in a firmer tone. He doesn't reply again but seems slightly surprised at my sentence. "Hey, I'm talking to you dipsh-".

"Are you always this rude to your patients," the man interrupts me.

"Only when they don't comply," I retort.

"Well you're gonna get a lot of that, brat," he scoffs.

"Hey, who do you think you're calling br-"

"(L/N). Watch your tone," I hear a loud booming voice from behind me, using my mother's maiden name and it's obviously my fathers voice. It even makes the man sat on the bed smirk.

"Da- I mean sir?" I correct myself, causing the mysterious man's eyebrow to jump up.

"Don't test my patience (L/N), help your new patient, Corporal Levi," he growls.

So, the man was Levi.

To be fair, it makes sense.

"I thought Petra was looking at him, also this doesn't change the fact that this is Jean's room," I scowl.

"Petra isn't a medic and Jean wasn't here when I arrived, watch your tongue when you talk to your superiors, brat," Levi announced, making my blood boil.

"Then why didn't you say so before? Also I heard Jean call for me earlier, so what are you playing at?" I question him, not backing down. His eyes seem to brighten for a split second and he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Stop bickering you two. (L/N), Levi was injured during the expedition the other day," Erwin says while Levi makes another, "tch," noise. Meanwhile I'm shocked at how he could injure Jean so severely when he's hurt his own ankle. "Walking and fighting with it has made it worse. I'm forcing him to stay here under YOUR care, not Petra or any of the other medics. I expect to hear only good things from the captain, or you will never see what's outside of the walls again."

My eyes widen. Did I hear correctly? There was a chance I could go on expeditions again?

"Fine, this should be a piece of cake." I say with certainty.

But, will it?

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