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"...Now get back to work, (L/N) change out of your uniform and pickup your apron in the kitchen staff's cupboard."
I look over to Levi with teary eyes and smile before walking off the pitch, aware of Squad Levi's eye's on me.


I closed all the blinds and turned off all the lights. Little slithers of sunlight slide underneath the doors and around the edges of the curtains. It had only been 20 minutes, but I had already broken down.
Why does he go out of his way to ruin my life?
It can't be because he cares, because if he did, he would've been around as I grew up - though I never resented him for that. If he cared, surely, he'd be here to comfort me? Maybe talk to me with more respect? And not hide the fact that I'm his 'failure' of a daughter.
I'm in the brace position, sniffling in the corner of the bedroom. Never have I felt so embarrassed, enraged and distraught. It wasn't just because of what he said; it was the way he said it and the way he did it in front of everyone. They must pity me or laugh at me - it's not as if it's the biggest problem in the world, I mean, titans exist.
I'm just more nervous because I can't cook.

I'll poison his food.

Suddenly, I hear scratching at the window. I push my limp body off the ground and wipe my cheeks in one movement. I rub my nose as I walk towards the scratching noise and then draw the curtains. I yank up the blind and peer out into the forest behind the glass. The sun beams through the trees and birds sing. The scratching noise stops and starts, caused by a squirrel running up and down a tree. I smile slightly, letting one more tear fall. There's probably more stuff like this outside the walls, right?
I open the window and sit on the window ledge, feet dangling out, only inches off the floor.

"W-what are you doing in Corporal's home?!" I hear a yell. My head snaps away from the forest to the young boy standing to my right.

"Huh? Oh! No! He doesn't live here," I jump down and try to explain.

"You're the girl who got shouted at today! W-wait you've been crying," the boy steps forward, then snaps. "Wait! What do you mean the Corporal doesn't live here?!"

"Could you please stop shouting," I try and calm him, cautious of how loud he is.

"Huh? Why?" he whispers and steps forward.

How naïve is this kid?
I think his name is Eric? He's on squad Levi but we never talked. This is probably why.

"Look, how about we keep this between you and me, yeah?" I negotiate. He frowns, and I realise I should communicate better. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), there were no rooms left in any of the apartment blocks, so Corporal Levi insisted I stay here because he doesn't come here at all, okay?" I felt like I was taming an animal.

"O-oh, is that allowed?" he asks.

"No, that's why we have to keep this a secret, just between us, okay?" I offer him my pinkie and he hesitantly links his to it. He then steps back and bows.

"My name's Eren Jaeger, it's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N) (L/N)!" he yells. So, he's the titan boy, huh.


"YOU JUST YELLED TOO!" he retorts.


"YEAH, WELL... I have to go clean my room," he deadpans and runs away.

Strange, strange kid.
Why was he even here? - at the back of Levi's house. I supposed I'll never know, but its not like it matters.

There's a sudden gust of wind and I hear a bang behind me. I flip around and see the window managed to close and the lock fell. I pull at the pane's handles with all my strength and grunt. I place my right foot on the wall in front and try again. My hands slip from the handles and I fall onto my back and hit my head.

"Shit," I mutter. I managed to sit up and go to touch the back of my head, where it hurts the most. I feel something wet and pull my hand in front of my eyes to see red. "FUCK!"


once again, if you wanna talk to me or other writers and readers, join the discord serv, dm me for inv

lia x

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