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I put the horse in the stable and quickly run into the main part of the HQ only to see a big fire and people trying to put it out. The main body of the HQ was untouched.

The part of the HQ that was on fire was Levi's house.
And only Levi's house.

Oh shit, I didn't tell him that I was going out tonight.


I sprint over to the house, so many thoughts flying around in my head. Did Levi try and visit me tonight? Was he inside the house? No, he would've left after noticing I wasn't. But what if everything happened at the wrong time? The orange glow started to blind my eyes, or maybe they weren't watering because of the light?
I slow down my pace to a stop and think; we haven't talked in a week, as if he would show up today, of all days. But then again,
He might've.

I start running as fast as I can towards the house. I arrive behind the crowd of people and shove my way through, muttering many apologies in the forms of, "excuse me," and, "sorry, sorry,".
After pushing my way through to the front, completely out of breath, I look around. I stumble forward to the people at the very front and start to cough because of all the smoke in the air.
By this time, my face was covered in tears and there was no way to hide it; Levi was no where to be seen.

Suddenly, I have the urge to go to his office, so before anyone could notice my state, I duck and sprint into the main body of the HQ. I got a few looks, sure, but so long as no one saw my face, or recognised me for that matter, I'm okay.

I lug open the door with my shoulder, exerting a force which sends the door flying into the wall with a bang. I run down the hallways without stopping and I continue my pace up the stairs. When I get to the top I fall to the ground and bend over, sweat and tears falling off of my face - it was extremely hot due to the fire. I manage to push myself off the ground and start walking before I'm fully elevated meaning I stumble as I turn to the left, so to combat this, I press on the wall to get my body central again.

I start running again, slower than before, but desperately nonetheless. I reach Levi's office and burst open the door before I can even slow down, so I run straight into his desk on the other side of the room.

I rest my hands on his desk top, before falling to the ground in front of the desk. I start sobbing uncontrollably.
He isn't here, and he wasn't outside.
I tuck my knees in tightly to my chest and pull at my hair as I scream into the darkness.

"(Y/N)?" I hear a sniff. I slowly turn around and see a shadow sitting in the corner. They stand up and use their arm to lean against the wall to their right.

"Levi?" I manage to choke out before the figure walks into the light and reveals that I was right. His eyes are glossy and his cheeks are pink. His clothes are the messiest they've ever been and his hair is partially sticking up. I look at his left hand which is holding a bottle of whisky and he stares me straight in the eyes and lets out a sigh of relief. He releases the bottle to the ground with a smash and reveals that its empty and he starts slugging his way towards me.
I try and stand up but my knees give out and he catches me just in time, whispering that it's okay and that I don't need to stand up. Instead he joins me on the floor and cups my face while I place my hands over his.

"I thought yo-" I start sobbing again before I can finish my sentence, so Levi pulls my head into his chest and says nothing. I wrap my arms around his waist and straddle his lap. Once I stop sobbing he speaks.

"I thought you were in there, (Y/N). I thought you left me too," he whispers. Behind the quietness of his voice, I can hear it cracking, almost like he can't speak any louder. Suddenly he starts shaking and I realise he's silently crying so I hold him tighter to me.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay," I say as I stroke his hair. "I'm here," I whisper into his chest.

"You're stroking my hair again..." he trails off. "Only my mum has ever done that."

I apologise and stop touching his hair, but to my surprise he tells me that its okay.

We sit there like that for what feels like a century, before Levi pulls me out of his chest. He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. He has tear stains down his cheeks and his eyes look glossier than before, and somehow he still manages to look tough.

"The worst part was thinking you were gone before I had the chance to say anything to you. I mean, I haven't even seen you in a fucking week," he sniffs and looks down.

"It's okay," I mumble.

"It's not okay, (Y/N)," he looks back up. "Because if you had been in that shit hole, I would never have been able to tell you that I want to be with you." My breath hitches and I start to tear up all over again. "You may be someone I want to protect from pain, but you're so emotionally strong that you don't need me for that. You can fix not only actual wounds, but stupid hidden ones, and you don't even know you're doing it. I need you, not just because you're tough and the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, but also because you're my protector, and you help me when everyone else has failed. And you don't even know it."

He finishes and we just stay there for a moment as I process his words.

"So what do you say, brat?"



lia x

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