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We break apart from each other awkwardly and he scratches his head, takes the teapot and mutters a light thank you before he leaves. I stand there out of breath before pulling myself together and eating my dinner alone.


After a week of working in the kitchen, I'm sick of it.
I haven't seen Petra, Connie, Eren or Levi since he came in and asked for more tea last week, meaning I still haven't asked him why he was annoyed - not that it matters now anyway. Spending a week alone has not been ideal, but at least I haven't seen Erwin at all.

My head still hurts since I fell. I assume I have a concussion but the new doctor at the med centre doesn't really seem to know what they're doing. He seems to be around my mum's age; I think his name is Steve? I can't be sure. Not that it matters though; I'm just pissed he has my old sofa.

Because I'm the only kitchen staff, I don't get a day off, only a few hours between I have to work. So, instead I've decided to go and visit my mum after I finish making dinner.
I get out of Scout HQ around 8pm and I borrow a horse before travelling 40 minutes to see my mum.

I arrive at the little cottage I grew up in and smile. The ivy vines still crawl up the sides of the door and intertwine just beneath the roof. The front garden is a little messier than it used to be, but I assume that's because mum and I used to work on it every weekend before we went out for lunch. Over to my right I look down the path and see the old pub we used to get dinner at occasionally, when my mum didn't have time to go to the market and buy bread and such.

I knock on the door and it opens after a short moment, revealing the face of my mother.

"(Y/N)!" she shouts before enveloping me in a tight embrace. I return her hug by wrapping my arms around her waist and squeezing.

"Hi ma," I mumble into her shoulder.

We separate and smile at each other and before long, we find ourselves sat at our breakfast table drinking tea like we used to.

"So what's it like being a scout?! I haven't seen you since you joined," my mum asks enthusiastically.

"Oh," I cough, considering whether to lie or not. If mum finds out Erwin is treating me terribly, she'd make me come home immediately, and that would make it even harder to go outside the walls again. "Everything's great, the food is really good," I say as I take a sip of tea.

"Better than my cooking?" she smiles.

"Of course not, the only person who's better at cooking than you is Rordon Gramsay," I laugh.

"As if! His meat is always raw," she exclaims. We both laugh and sit in comfortable silence until we finish drinking our cups of tea. "So, why are you here so late? It's got to be around 9 now."

"Ah, long day training," I sigh; it has been a long day.

"Then why didn't you come when you're free?" she questions me.

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see you," I answer truthfully.

"A lot on your mind then?" she asks and I shrug. "A guy maybe?"

My eyes widen at the question and I blush and shake my head.

"Oh, sorry, a girl then?"

"NO! MUM!" I yell, flustered. "Stop asking me those sorts of questions," I blush and mumble, hiding my face with my hands. She once again laughs but goes silent quite quickly.

"You would tell me if you met someone important to you, right?"

"Yes of course," I answer honestly. If anyone could become important to me, it would be Levi, but I'm just not there yet. "Why do you ask?"

"I just don't want you to make the same mistake I did," she trails off.


"Hey, (Y/N)?" she pipes up.


"Truth is... I-"

She gets cut off by someone pounding on the door. We both look to the noise and get up together to go investigate.
Mum looks through the window and identifies the man outside as the owner of the pub down the road and she opens the door. He seems out of breath.

"(Your Mum's Name), your daughter is a scout right?" the man asks urgently.

"Yes, why?" my mum queries.

"There's just been reports of a fire at the HQ, you might want to check if she's okay. Military Police said they won't announce it to the public until tomorrow morning," he explains.

What? A fire?
Don't tell me I left the stove on...

"Actually, my daughter is here with me right now."

"Oh, good, good. You might want to head back though, I assume they'll put the HQ on lock down soon," he explains, leaving me confused and rushed.

I run out the door and get on the horse so quickly that I only manage to give my mum a quick goodbye before galloping away.

I arrive at Scout HQ around quarter past 9 because I rushed back. I put the horse in the stable and quickly run into the main part of the HQ only to see a big fire and people trying to put it out. The main body of the HQ was untouched.

The part of the HQ that was on fire was Levi's house.
And only Levi's house.

Oh shit, I didn't tell him that I was going out tonight.


cheers for reading
lia x

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