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fetch my paperwork from my office."

"Why do you need it right now?"

"I was in the middle of it when Erwin forced me here, it needs to be done in an hour and as you've said before, I can't walk," he smirks.

"Well if you don't waste anymore time, I might get this done before an hour is over."

"Just get it, Cadet, that's an order." he sternly looks into my eyes, making me shiver. "It's on top of my desk, you'll see it." I sigh once more before standing up, saluting, and walking out of the med centre, into the hallway.


I arrive at Levi's office and walk in quickly. On first glance the first thing I notice is a large table in the centre of the room, dead ahead of me. It has two very neat piles on one end and two boxes on the other. The chair behind it has Levi's green scout cloak draped over it and in front of the desk are two chairs, probably for consultations. Behind the desk is a large, central window and on the windowsill sits neatly organised cups and I frown at the sudden discrepancy of character, as sat next to it are multiple cleaning supplies.
There are a vast amount of rumours stating that Levi loves organisation and putting things in order, but for someone who likes convenience, putting tea cups next to bleach seems like a gap-moe.
The next thing I notice is how clean it is - immaculate, even, which I don't even need to mention at this point as everyone knows he's a clean freak.

I shake my head and walk further into the room, eyes locked on the papers on top of the desk.
I walk around the chairs and look at the paperwork, including 7 pieces of paper all with the words "Squad Transfer" at the top. It definitely seems important enough for Levi to need this, so I don't feel as annoyed as I did after he forced me to come here. I pick the paperwork up and notice a slightly faded ring on the table underneath them. It looks like it's from his tea and I rub it to check if its permanent, which it is. I smile slightly at his cute attempt to hide the stain, but I also smile at how annoyed he must be because of it.

I decide I've been in here too long and decide to head off back to the med centre, not before tucking in his office chair and checking under my feet to see if I've left any footprints or marks. After checking, double checking and triple checking, I finally walk away and back into the hallway.

I open the door to room 3 with my shoulder whilst peering down at the documents in my hand.

"Hey, Levi, I got the..." I look into the empty room in front of me, frown and tilt my head, then suck in my breath in confusion. "Where did he go?" I ask myself.

"I saw him opening the door to your office, but I was too scared to say anything," I hear Petra say behind me, and I turn to face her. I know she isn't scared of him, just scared to say something stupid in front of him. "But... why did he go into your office? Do you two have a thing...?" she asks, and I shake my head vigorously. "Ah okay, but just to let you know, if you two decide you do like each other, I'm glad it's you and not some ditsy girl in the lower ranks," she admits as she plays with her fingers.

I smile and say, "You would be the first to know, Petra, but luckily for you, he's single at the moment," I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

She fake gasps and playfully says, "(Y/N)! How did you know about that!"

"Intuition, I guess," I shrug. "Anyway, I better see what this bugger's doing in my office," I sigh.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Petra jokes.

"Ah, I said I'd better see what this ill-tempered dipshit is doing in my office."

"Hmm?" she says, pretending not to hear again.

"I said I'd better see what Levi is doing in my office."

"Ah okay, see you around," she smiles at me before leaving.

I can't even tell if she's serious at this point, I smile to myself.
My eyes shift from Petra to my office door and my smile turns into a scowl. I walk forward and open the door swiftly to see Levi leaning against my desk, inspecting something on his finger.

"Not only are the ward rooms dirty, but your office is too," he says without looking up at me.

"Oh you- " I start to speak before he walks up to me.

"You what? Bugger or ill-tempered dipshit?" he smirks.

"How did you-"

"These walls aren't as thick as Maria's, Cadet," he cuts me off again.

"S-so you heard everything Petra said?" my eyes widen.

"Tch," he rolls his eyes. "No, I just happened to hear one part of your conversation, of course I didn't hear the rest of it," he says sarcastically.

"You know what, I'm not here to argue, here's your paperwork," I say, shoving it into his chest. He barely moved even though I shoved him with all my might, but I guess he is humanities strongest. I definitely felt his abs through his shirt and the 7 pieces of paper.


I shake my head and demand he leave my office.

"No, brat. Not until we clean your office," he orders.

"We?" I sigh.

I look around my office and compare it to his.
I don't just have one ring on my desk, I have 6 empty cups and one with a quarter of coffee left in it. I have a blanket in a pile on my chair and unfinished files on every surface in the room. Pillows are scattered haphazardly and there are cobwebs in the corners of my bookcase, along with a sun-stained sofa, where I've slept for the past month. There are clothes in every corner of the room, forming piles of scrubs and white coats. The only neat thing is my official scout uniform, from when I was a proper cadet, which hung on the wall behind my desk, with not even a speck of dust upon it.



yh things still haven't gotten going



lia x

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