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"See you later, brat," he says as he walks over to the door. "Make sure you eat, (Y/N)," he adds before finally leaving the kitchen; leaving me in silence.


I may go insane at this rate.


Today's the day I stop being an idiot and go and talk to my friends again.
I wake up in my dingy apartment and go straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. And, this time, instead of hiding in the room by myself, I go out and sit in front of Petra.

"(Y/N)? Oh my god, it's been so long. How are you, how's the kitchen duty going? Food's been great but how do you find it? Is it- " Petra splutters.

"Everything is great," I smile while cutting her off, and she smiles back, shyly muttering an apology. There's a beat before she continues the conversation.

"I'm guessing you know about the fire?" She asks me.

"Yeah, it's pretty shit..." I trail off.

"Who do you think did it?" She queries just as everyone starts to pile into the mess hall. Suddenly she leans across the table to whisper me something. "If you ask me... it's got to be someone within this HQ."

She sits back down and looks at me knowingly. I brush off the comment and start eating quietly. Sitting in the room is a bit nerve racking especially since Erwin hasn't arrived yet, but Petra makes me feel somewhat safer.

"Are you still doing that 'We're on a break' shit because of me?" She wonders as she pours herself a cup of tea, making me almost choke on my food.

"Actually, no..." I trail off again. "I know I should've told you, but I haven't seen you since then and, I don't know," I sigh.

Petra chuckles a bit, "I told you I didn't mind, relax."

"Doesn't mind what?" We hear another voice chime into conversation.

I look to my right and see Connie beaming at me as he puts his tray on the table and sits down next to me.

"Long time, no see, Jesus," he smiles again.

"...Jesus?" Petra mutters confused, to which Connie just says, "Yes."

Then the potato girl from before walks over and sits opposite Connie.

"Sup? Pass your potato Con," she demands.

"What! You always have my potatoes! A man's gotta eat, you know," Connie pouts.

"Haha, 'man'," Petra laughs, earning a laugh from potato girl too, I think her name was Sasha? Connie just death stares both of them, only increasing their laughter.

"OH!" We hear a shout.

We look over to the noise and see Eren to the left of our table, pointing directly at me.

"Forest girl!"

"Uh- " I manage to get out.

Quickly after, Eren almost charges towards the table and sits next to me, with two of his friends following him confused.

"I thought you died." He deadpans.

"Oh... okay?" I say.

He just turns away and starts eating his food and I turn to the right to share my confusion with Petra, Connie and Sasha.

"Um, (Y/N), how do you know titan boy?" Petra asks me.

"Oh, well we met behind- " I cut myself off.

We met behind Levi's house 8 days before the fire.
Why was he there?

I look over to him eating.

Did he actually...?

"Attention!" Erwin shouts, dragging me out of the conversation. "This is a reminder to everyone that we go on expedition in a few days' time, make sure you contact family if needed. It will only be an exploration, not a mission. That's all," he finishes before exiting just as fast as he entered.

"I had better go back to the kitchen, see you guys soon, yeah?" I say before scurrying off before they could say anything.

Once I'm in the kitchen I start debating whether to tell Levi about Eren.

Levi is Eren's squad leader, it might cause tension, and plus it might not even be true. It's probably just a coincidence, right?

Anyway, there's an expedition soon. This should be a good chance to visit my mum, last time was cut short, so maybe a full day would be better this time.

Before I can think any further, the door to the kitchen opens and Levi appears from behind it.

"Whatsup?" I smile at him.

"You weren't being a hermit today," he states.

"You calling me a hermit?"

He completely ignores my question, though.

"That Connie kid was sitting with you though, and titan boy, too. What are you trying to do?" he walks towards me.

"I'm not trying to do anything?" He keeps walking towards me until he can wrap his arms around my waist.

"Just because we can't announce that we're together doesn't change the fact that you're mine." He says in his classic monotone voice.

I roll my eyes, but smile nonetheless. I lean up and kiss him and mutter, "stupid" under my breath.

"You call me stupid, brat?" He raises his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah but I kissed you, so it makes up for it," I smile teasingly.

"You think that was enough?" He asks before kissing me again, slower and longer than before.

His hand leaves my waist and he places it upon my cheek, deepening the kiss. He licks and bites my lower lip while running his other hand from my waist to the small of my back. I don't open my mouth for him and instead run my hands from his chest up to his hair and gently tug at it. Levi suddenly moves his hand lower and squeezes my butt, making me squeal. He takes that opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth and then places both of his hands on my waist again. I loop my arms around his neck just as he breaks off the kiss.

"I guess that will do for now," he mutters, slightly out of breath.
He looks gorgeous, messy hair, wet lips and wandering eyes...

Wait what? FoR nOW?

lia x

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