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"So what do you say, brat?"


It's two days later and no ones been talking about the fire.
I think everyone is scared about the possible threat to all of the scouts, but most people realised it's more of a threat to Levi. Erwin, Levi and other squad leaders have been having extra meetings to ensure Levi's safety, I guess. They've been trying to figure out his living conditions, so for the moment I'm back in the staff block and he's staying in his office as normal.

It's currently lunch time and I just finished making double the amount of food I normally make. The military police have been helping with the scouts' training while the squad leaders try and sort out security issues. This meant that the military police would bring over their trainees too, so the amount of people trying to fit into the mess hall was insane, not to mention the tension in the air. There had been two fights this morning at breakfast, so I'm determined to stay in the kitchen.

I finally sit down in the corner to start eating my food when the door slams open. I instinctively stand up and grab my fork while heading towards the door, assuming someone would be at the door, complaining about the food and trying to start something.
The person who opened the door swung around it and lent on the side of it. They look down at the fork in my hand, laugh and close the door.

"You're ridiculous," Levi chuckles and walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"You scared me! Do you have to open the door so forcefully?" I playfully whine, drop the fork and hug him back.

We both stay there for a bit, just enjoying each others warm, before breaking apart.

"This kitchen is filthy, you know. Are you just gonna leave that fork on the ground?" Levi says as he tuts, disgusted.

I bend down and pick the fork up before dropping it in the sink.
"I think its fine," I say as I pick up a dish cloth and hit him on the head with it. "But if you want to clean, we can."

I start cleaning the countertops while Levi grabs a broom and sweeps the floor. Every so often he'll hit my ankles with the broom, "by accident," and hug me from behind and sway. Ever since I said yes to him, he's been so affectionate.
But then, we had to clean the shelves.
We look at each other and Levi bends down and picks me up with ease, leaving me surprised.

Whatever happened to consent? (4:)

I can't help but remember when we cleaned my office together and he lifted me up in the same way.

"I stretch up and remove the cobwebs, completely aware of his head at my lower stomach... and completely flustered"

I let him know that he needs to side step to the left and he does just that, mimicking the way we did it before.

This time, I stroke his hair to let him know its time to put me down and, when he does, we don't share awkward eye contact like before, instead I smile at him and say,

"Thank you, corporal."

He just makes a, "tch," noise like before.

He then pulls me close and kisses me softly, for the first time, and my eyes widen.

"That's your reward," he explains.

"F-for what," I ask, flustered.

"For not being such a brat."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Why? Is it not?"

"I guess it can be," I shrug.

"Well what do you want me to say, brat?"

"I thought you said I wasn't being such a brat?"

"Yeah and then you became a brat."

"See that's definitely not a compliment."

"I never said it was."

"Well consider me offended."

"Tch," he rolls his eyes.

I slightly smile and lean up to peck his lips.

"Now leave, you have work to do," I push his arms away from me.

"See you later, brat," he says as he walks over to the door. "Make sure you eat, (Y/N)," he adds before finally leaving the kitchen; leaving me in silence.

I sit back in the corner and start to munch on my food, I zone out and think back to when I was a kid. I used to clean the kitchen with my mum, every time after we ate. We used to move like clockwork, mum washing the dishes and me drying them. I hope she isn't alone, like I am. I hope she's got someone to rely on, like I rely on Levi, even if we rarely see each other.
I guess when I was a kid, I was never alone and when I was in training camp, I was never alone. Even when I was working in the med centre, I was never alone, but right now all I have are 10 minute conversations with Levi, maybe every other day.
I don't even see any other people. I haven't seen Petra or Connie in what feels like years, and it's eating me up.

I may go insane at this rate.

lia x

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