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Recap: "A man and a woman who have some feelings for each other shouldn't be alone and secluded at night," he says quickly, swiftly walking out before I could say anything more.



It's been a week since I became a scout again, and for the most part, Dad's been MIA. It seems like he does the thing he always used to do when I first joined the scouts; he only trains when he wants to but leaves the others under Levi's supervision. Because of that, I've been hanging around with squad Levi during training and free time too. I guess Dad doesn't care anymore - it's a win-win. I don't see him, and he doesn't see me.

It's scorching hot today - kinda inconvenient since today is hand-to-hand combat. I've never been good at it, but I bet I'm absolutely terrible by now.
I'm standing near the back with Petra on the pitch. I still don't know if she's fully okay with me and Levi, so I told Levi we should cool it down until we're serious about liking each other. He seemed to understand, though he's been very indifferent to me. I look over at him debriefing everyone about todays exercise. He's hard to read but he seems to be constantly frowning - not that he doesn't do that anyway - but it seems different. It's probably due to stress from having to take over from Erwin with no notice.

"You're frowning, (Y/N)," Petra whispers to me.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I guess," I turn my head to look at her and then look back.

Am I doing the right thing? Starting to like Levi.
I know it began as physical attraction, like that feeling you get when you pass someone at the markets, but as we talked it's started to feel like more. I guess it's my fault in the end - if I hadn't have talked to him, I wouldn't feel this torn right now. If I had just stuck to thinking he was hot and that's all-

"You're doing it again," Petra whispers.

"What?" I turn to her.

"Frowning... you're overthinking again aren't you," she bites the inside of her mouth.

"Do you even need to ask?" I joke slightly.

There was a beat of silence even though Levi's voice rang out across the pitch.

"You're thinking about Levi aren't you?"

"What? No..." I readjust the way I stand as I speak.

"I noticed you and him haven't had any interaction since you told me about everything," she states.

"You caught onto that, huh?" I whisper back.

"Did you have a fight? Or for some stupid reason are you pitying me?"

"What? I'm not pitying you, I just care for you."

"So, it is me."

"What? No, Petra, look-"

"Cadet (L/N) and Ral, save the conversation for later or I'll have you running laps," Levi says, loudly but still monotonously.

"Sorry Corporal," Petra salutes.

"Sorry Sir," I salute and hang my head.

Levi continues to speak but a silence hangs between Petra and I up until the very moment we start the exercise and are pulled away from each other.

Connie and I begin sparring together and I get tired very fast.
We start again and get into stance. Connie kicks into my gut when I leave myself open and it winds me. I stumble back and bend over, dripping in sweat from the heat and from over exerting myself.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay, I shouldn't have kicked so hard, jesus," Connie runs over and puts his hand across my shoulders in support.

I look up at him and laugh, "Jesus is a new one, but I go by (Y/N)," I say, stealing his line.

He laughs so much at me that he throws his head up and that causes me to laugh more too. This guy has a problem with laughing more than needed.

"What's wrong Cadet?" I look from Connie to the voice who I identify as Levi.

"Oh, Sir!" Connie salutes. "I think I kicked (Y/N) too hard in the stomach. It's completely my fault," Connie explains.

"No, no, I just suck at fighting now. It's been a while," I smile and stand up straight, wincing a bit. I look over again at Levi and see his stern face and stumble back a bit. Connie catches me slightly before I stumble further, and I see Levi frown even more, if that was possible.
The three of us stand in silence for a bit before another person chips into the conversation.

"You're right. Your fighting is terrible," I turn around and lock eyes with my father. "I'm rethinking my decision to put you back on the scouts."

My face drops. Why was he doing this? What sort of undeserved punishment is this?

"What? You can't do that," I fully turn around and step closer to him.

"You're obviously not fit. And I see that you've been training with Squad Levi, something I specifically told you not to do. You take the position I've given to you for granted and you disobey my orders, Cadet. Therefore, I can't have you on the scouts anymore."

"So, what? Are you gonna put me back in the med centre? You already gave away my office." I scoff.

"No, I think kitchen duty seems like a good fit. Perfect timing that our only kitchen staff just quit," he deadpans.

Only kitchen staff, what the fuck?

"Kitchen duty? Why?" I question.

"It will build your muscles as you cook everyone's food."

I don't think I've ever been this angry in my life, but for my sadness to consume my anger, this must be a new feat.

"Erwin, I don't think that's a good idea," Levi chimes in and stands a bit in front of me.


"I have authority here. Just be glad I'm not sending Cadet (L/N) home. Now get back to work, (L/N) change out of your uniform and pickup your apron in the kitchen staff's cupboard."
Effective immediately, huh? I guess a week is more than anything.

Erwin walks over to the other squads and yells at them to get back to work after he notices they've stopped training to watch us.

I look over to Levi and smile at him before walking off the pitch, aware of eyes on me as I go to another variation of hell.


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lia x

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