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This was meant to be one part, but it was too long already, so the next two parts are split up
Also, I changed the ages of more characters in this just to fit in with the story, I hope you don't mind, but this story doesn't follow the AOT story line.


This is it.

I'm standing on the training pitch with every scout in the HQ on my first day back as a scout. I spot Petra and go over to talk to her.

"Hey heyy," I say, slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"(Y/N)!" she screams and hugs me, earning attention from everyone, including Levi. We make eye contact and he smirks at me quickly. I smile and turn back to Petra. "You're finally back on the field!"

"You too!" I laugh.

"Haha, yeah. Sorry I didn't tell you, but you didn't tell me either!" she pouts.

"Sorry, sorry," I apologise. My mind flashes to Levi and the past conversation Petra and I had before, where I told her she would be the first to know about anything between me and Levi. "Hey, Petra..." I trail off.

"Mhm?" she hums.

"I need to talk to you about something," I admit.

Suddenly Erwin starts shouting from the middle of the field, Levi and all the other squad leaders standing next to him.

"Be ready and in your squads in 5 minutes, Cadets," he shouts.

"Tell me about it later, yeah?" Petra assures me.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," I smile at her, before she runs off to squad Levi.

I'm quite jealous of her. I'm jealous of everyone here. I don't have a squad and I'm just standing by myself. I sigh and kick a stone near my foot, waiting to be told what to do. I look over to squad Levi and catch the attention of a guy with a buzzcut, shorter than Levi but not as short as me, who looks around 19 years old. And there's another thing to be jealous of. Being 25 really makes you feel old. I've heard that Levi is 30 though, he doesn't look that old to me, but they do say that 5 years is the best age gap for a relationship - I did not just fangirl.

Without realising, I've been daydreaming while staring straight at young buzzcut. My eyes widen, and I blush faintly. I look over at Levi and see him also looking at me, but with a distasteful look on his face and I physically see him say, "tch,".

"Stop daydreaming, Cadet," says Erwin while he walks towards me.

"Sorry, Sir, I just wasn't sure of what I was supposed to do," I explain.

"I'm benching you," he says coolly, and my eyes widen.

"What? Why? I'm a scout again, I need training," I ask.

People start to take notice of my mini-tantrum and I look down at the floor bashfully.

"We're doing squad-based exercises, you don't fit in."

I take a sharp in-breath.

"Fine, I'll sit out," I give in, defeated and tired of arguing.


I've been watching them train for 20 minutes. I asked to leave since I'm not able to partake, but dad just told me to stay and watch. Shitty eyebrows, I frown.

The worst part?
My eyes being drawn to Levi.

I can't help it, he just looks so... focused and enthused? I only see it when he looks away from everyone, but he seems to get along with his new squad pretty well - Petra too. It must have been hard losing everyone in their team, but they seem to be coping alright.

Another 20 minutes drags past where Levi hasn't looked at me at all, Petra waves and smiles brightly at me a lot, young buzzcut gives me a fleeting look before blushing and turning back, and Erwin scowling when I make eye contact with him.

I click my back and rest my head on my hand, and I also switch my crossed legs. I sigh and shut my eyes briefly. How did it get like this? I thought I was going to be a proper scout, not some fake who sits on the bench for longer than half an hour. I sigh once more and look up at the sky. Suddenly a buzzcut blocks the sky above and delivers a hearty, "Hello,".

I panic, lift my head up, and turn around to face him.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, Jesus."

"Jesus is a new one, but I like to go by Connie," he jokes. He swings his legs over the back of the bench and sits next to me. He rests his arms on his knees and looks up at me, grinning. "Connie Springer of Squad Levi," he smiles even more.

"(Y/N) (L/N) of no squad," I lean back.

"Whaaat? That sucks! How come you're not on any squad! Is that why you've been sitting here for the past 30 minutes?" he bombards me.

"It's actually been 45 minutes now," I correct him, evading the question.

"Ah, shit. Corporal doesn't like to tell us how long we have left. He says our work ethic will decrease if we learn we only have a few minutes left," he chuckles.

I smile at him, "He's right you know. You better not slack for the next 15 minutes."

"Haha, I know, I know. Corporal would have my head," he sighs.

"No, he'd take your knee caps," I grin.

He laughs way too loudly and far too much considering it wasn't that funny but stops abruptly and covers his mouth with his hand.

"Shit," he mumbles.

"What?" I giggle.

"I'm not supposed to be here, I think Corporal has caught wind," he explains.

"Of course he has, you laughed way too much," I scold him.

"That's only because you said something funny!"

"It wasn't that funny, mate."

"Speak for yourself, you think anyone else has any sort of sense of humour here?!"

"I'm sure-"

"What are you two laughing about, with those dumb looks on your faces?". We both look up and see Levi staring at us with a blank look on his face.

"Corporal!" Connie shouts and shoots up. He immediately salutes and apologises.

"Tch, just get back on the field, brat," Levi grinds his teeth.

Connie runs off, leaving just me and Levi.

Fuck, if dad sees us, we're dead.
Well, I'm dead - he would never do anything to his "best soldier".

Levi looks at me with a cold stare and I look down at my feet. Have I pissed him off by distracting one of his cadets?

"I'll come see you later," he whispers softly before walking back over to his squad.
I guess he isn't pissed off after all.


its only a filler

lia x

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