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quick a/n, do you want the recaps at the beginning or are they annoying to scroll through


I slug my way through the door and come face to face with my father. He's leaning on the opposite wall with an unreadable expression on his face that makes me sigh.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask him, motioning towards my office.

"No, this shouldn't take long," he slurs before straightening up and facing me directly. He fixes his jacket and says, "I'm a man of my word, (Y/N). I said I would let you go outside the walls if Levi gives you a good review."

"You know, I'm not an object," I mumble.

"Well Levi sung your praises, he doesn't do that for anyone, so he must have used you like an object, right? I suppose you offered him a service," he bites.

I stand back shocked.
My dad thinks I'm a whore.

"Ever occur to you that I just did a good job, sir?" I say with disgust.

"Either way, I'm officially putting you back on scout duties, effective immediately," he scoffs.

My eyes widen. Did I hear correctly? I can be a scout again - I can go outside the walls again. I grin wider that I have in months and try not to scream.

"I wouldn't get too excited. You're losing your office and there is no space in any squad apartment block, so you must stay in the staff block. You are also forbidden from joining squad Levi, I plan on denying his request to have you in his squad after this meeting. And one more thing, I'm not allowing you to see Levi again."

My face drops at his words. My office? Levi?

"W-what? Why?! That's not fair!" I shout.

"I don't want anyone to compromise my best soldier, let alone you," he scowls.

"He's not a robot you can just dispose of," I deadpan.

"He is in this HQ. I recommend you get used to that, Cadet," he says and walks out the med centre, but before he leaves he reminds me to take all my stuff from my office.

I go back into my office, close the door and lean back, head in hands.

On one hand, I get to do what I've been waiting to do for ages, but then I have to lose one of the people who I could see myself getting really close to. I sigh and brush over my thoughts for the time being, deciding to distract myself by removing my stuff from my - this - office, starting with the scout uniform behind the desk. But first, I have to brush my fucking teeth.

-my first timeskip brought to you by tiktok-

Sitting in my apartment feels weird. The main body of the apartment was smaller than my old office, while still containing a functioning kitchen and a small living space. The bedroom was even smaller, only fitting in a dingy queen-sized bed with no room for anything else, and there is only a communal bathroom. At the moment I'm lying on a small sofa, which is Walmart compared to my old Gucci sofa. I justify my living conditions by thinking how I can get back to scout work tomorrow...

Suddenly there's a forceful knock on my door. I groan and get off the sofa as quick as I can, earning more knocks from the person outside. I finally open the door to see an angry Levi.

"Levi? Wha- why are you here?" I frown and look down at the watch on my wrist. "It's like 11 at night."

"Never mind that, can I come in?" he says rushed.

"Oh, uh," I cough. "Yeah, sure," I open the door wider for him.

I see his eyes widen at the dust and I shut the door quickly and go to stand next to him.

"Sorry it's such a mess..." I say shyly

"It doesn't matter, just sit," he shakes his head and orders me. He's being so stern and distant, it seems so weird to me. I sit down regardless and look up to his concerned and stressed face. "I'm guessing Erwin also told you that we can't meet anymore," he sighs and looks me dead in the eyes. "And, of course, the bastard also declined my wish of having you on my squad."

I see him rest his elbow on a shelf next to him and he makes a, "tch," noise again.

"Yeah..." I say solemnly. I see his eyes shift to look at me pitifully and I sigh. "Is that all you came to say?" I fiddle with my fingers in my lap.

"Uh," he stutters. "I guess yeah." For some reason, this set my emotions over the edge and the feelings I had suppressed a few hours ago were coming back.

"Why do you care?" I half whisper.

"What?" he mutters.

"I said why do you care? I mean you don't need me to run errands for you, you have Petra for that," I bite.

"Tch, you're mad about that? I needed her so I could finish her transfer back into my squad," he shouts, no longer leaning on the shelf.

"And you couldn't have told me that instead of taking one of my nurses without my knowledge?" I stand up.

"Fucks sake, I'm not talking about this right now," he scoffs and leans back on the wall. "The reason I care is because for one reason or another I'm attracted to you, brat, and I can't stop myself from wanting to see you, got it?" he says while avoiding eye contact with me.

Huh? My body relaxes and I'm no longer angry or annoyed.

"I think I feel the same," I chokingly admit.

He sighs, "Good, otherwise that would have been embarrassing."

"I've never seen this side of you before," I giggle, and he smirks at me.

"It was hard trying to get into the building without being seen, and all you're doing is mocking me? I'm just glad they have names on the doors," I chuckle at him.

"Eager, huh?"

He scoffs, and I laugh. He sees me laughing and it makes him smile and walk a bit closer to me.


"Yeah, Levi?"

"This time I won't take no for an answer. Take my house. It will be easier for me to meet you."

"But-" he cuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth again, and he moves even closer to me.

"No buts, you're taking my house, Cadet," he orders me. He raises my hand with his free hand and places a key into it, then holds my hand without intertwining our fingers. He removes his other hand from my mouth and just looks at me, eyes asking for affirmation. I look down at our hands and interlock our fingers. I look up and into his eyes and say-

"As you wish," and I roll my eyes.

lia x

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