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"...I'm forcing him to stay here under YOUR care, not Petra or any of the other medics. I expect to hear only good things from the captain, or you will never see what's outside of the walls again."

My eyes widen. Did I hear correctly? There was a chance I could go on expeditions again?

"Fine, this should be a piece of cake." I say with certainty.


Erwin walks out, leaving Levi and I in silence. I sigh heavily and ask him to lie on the bed whilst I go and grab his empty file and a pen. I walk back into room 3 to see him still sat on the side of the bed, however this time with his legs crossed, keeping his injured ankle off of the ground. I scoff lightly at the cute attempt to subtly take pressure off of his ankle and walk around to kneel before him. I lift up his ankle in my hands and remove the makeshift dressing Levi must've done himself. He makes yet another, "tch," noise since I touched him without asking for permission and I look up to find him staring at the ceiling in submission.

Humanities strongest my ass, I laugh slightly.

"What are you laughing at, Brat?" he peers down at me.

"Don't call me brat, Levi," I sigh, continuing to examine his ankle.

"Don't call me Levi, brat," he retorts, earning a smile from me. He seemed confused for a split second at the notion of someone smiling at his monotonous reply. I just shrug it off and lift his foot up and down. He winces and I look up and apologise.

"It's fine, let's get this over with," he groans.

I finish examining him, stand up and brush myself off.

"You've slightly fractured your ankle, the swelling has gone down and there's no bruising but because you've been moving around on it, it may be starting to heal in the wrong position, so I'll need to give you a hard dressing to set it in place, this might be hard to walk in so you might need a crutch-"

"No." he cuts me off.

"What do you mean, "no," ?" I sigh once more. How many times have I sighed since he arrived?

"I'll do the other stuff, just no crutch. I haven't even been limping," he explains.

"You don't want to show weakness?" I ask. Before I thought it was because he was too proud to get help, but maybe it's because he wants to be someone people can rely on.

This man might not be as bad as everyone thinks.

"Sure, whatever, anyway your boyfriend Jean ran away earlier when he saw me walk in," he stands up and says.

"Jean isn't my boyfriend, and he should be staying in here for a week after what you've done to him," I pout.

"I tripped him up and then he started crying like a baby, how does that make it my fault?".

I stare at him in disbelief, shake my head with a smile then leave the room to get dressing. How does he manage to make me smile when he's being deadly serious?

I search through my office supply draw, sorting through the random different kinds of bandages and tape. I manage to find the right type and go back into the room only to see Levi scowling in disgust at his finger.

"What is it?" I ask as I dump the supplies on the bed. "You shouldn't be standing on your foot until I've bandaged it and one of the nurses comes and gives you medication."

"You call this room clean? I won't stand for this," he proclaims.

"You won't stand at all now sit on the bed so I can wrap up your foot."

He obliges with a huff and I make some half-hearted promises to wipe the floors later, to avoid being given orders - I'm technically still a cadet and he is still my corporal.

"Before you start whatever you want to do to me, brat, fetch my paperwork from my office."

"Why do you need it right now?"

"I was in the middle of it when Erwin forced me here, it needs to be done in an hour and as you've said before, I can't walk," he smirks.

"Well if you don't waste anymore time, I might get this done before an hour is over."

"Just get it, Cadet, that's an order." he sternly looks into my eyes, making me shiver. "It's on top of my desk, you'll see it." I sigh once more before standing up, saluting, and walking out of the med centre, into the hallway.


a shorter chapter this time...and maybe unedited BUT things will get going soon I swear ish

lia x

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