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We finished washing the dishes and I said goodbye to my mum and Steve before heading back to the scout HQ, eager to see Levi.


I hurry over to Levi's office, hoping he'll be in there, but who am I kidding? He's only ever in there. I don't bother knocking and instead just quietly sneak in.
I wonder why I'm sneaking in when Erwin isn't here to tell my off.

He's really not here...is he?

"Why are you frowning?" Levi pipes up. I don't reply because I'm not sure why. "You have a right to be upset and angry at him, you even have a right to cry. If you feel like it, you feel like it. Don't feel as if you have to bottle it up."

I stare at this amazing man sitting leisurely in his chair, full of regrets and I can't help but see the hypocritical side of it all.
I walk around and sit up on the desk in front of him.

"Coming from you, you wouldn't cry," he tilts his head and stands up, placing his hands on my thighs. He moves them upwards slowly and leans towards me, fanning his breath across my neck.

"I cried for you," he breathes out seductively and kisses my neck sweetly.

"So you finally admit it?" I laugh before letting out a shaky breathe as he readjusts himself, instinctively and spontaneously leaving open mouth kisses along my neck and collarbone.

"Levi," I moan out, gripping onto the front of his button up shirt.

"Mhm?" he hums in reply, the noise vibrating through my body.

"My mum wants to meet you," I inform him and he stops his actions and instead looks at me.

"You've mentioned me then, huh?" he smirks a bit and I playfully shove his shoulder.

"Come have dinner with us tomorrow evening?" I ask as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist, drawing him towards me.

"Convince me, brat," he mumbles, biting his lip and bringing me in tighter.

He kisses me softly and gently at first, his hands on my waist and mine looped around his neck. As his hands move down to the sides of my thighs, mine move upwards into his hair. I run my hands up from the nape of his neck to the top of his head and my left hand brushes against his ear before falling to his chest. The kiss becomes deeper and he tugs my body forward by my thighs. His lips move down to my jaw and he unbuttons my shirt.
I grab his hand quickly and he stops immediately.

"Too far?" he mumbles, seemingly concerned.

"No, no, its just... I don't want it to happen now, I mean. Erwin's gone and I still haven't come to terms with it and you've been out all day, you must be tired and," I sigh. "I feel like it would be better if we hold off for today."

"So too far?" he chuckles, pecking my lips and picking me off of the desk and onto my feet. He looks down at me and sways as he moves closer before, once again, kissing me gently three times before he backs away.

He grabs his jacket from behind his chair and takes my hand. "I'll walk you to your apartment," he tells me before walking out the door with me right behind him.


"So, you're telling me that, Steve from the med centre is your mums fiancé?" Levi questions me just before we arrive at the porch and all of a sudden I feel uneasy like yesterday.

"Yeah, its so weird," I giggle, unsure of what else to say. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this, but it's probably just because Levi is "meeting my parents".

His face curves into a frown as I he knows something I don't, and I ask him if he's feeling okay and he assures me he is, but I'm not convinced.

Regardless, I knock on the door and this time I'm greeted by my mum.
She wraps me in a tight embrace and then notices Levi behind me.

"You must be...Oh! (Y/N) never told me your name," she grins at him, bringing him in for a hug. His eyes widen and his eyebrow twitches at the sudden contact but he loosely wraps his arms around her anyway and feigns a shy smile.

"I'm Levi Ackerman, it's nice to meet you," he extends his hand and my mum laughs at the gesture, but shakes it anyway.

"Right," she claps. "Who wants dinner."

Halfway into dinner and you could almost cut the tension with a knife.
I look over to my mum who's sitting opposite to me and give her a look of confusion. She, in turn, gives me the same look and shrugs as we look over to the two men who are deadly silent as they eat their food, eyes glued downwards.

My mum coughs in an attempt to catch their attention. "So, Levi, where did you grow up?" she asks.

"The underground," he deadpans in his normal monotone voice.

"Oh, so did Steve," she pats his shoulder.

Huh? Me and Levi's eyes widen in sudden realisation.

"We've met before haven't we?" Levi stares at Steve.

"Yes, I believe we have."

Levi starts frowning more and he stands up. My mum looks at me confused and I nervous smile at her, warning her to stay out of it.

Levi suddenly grabs his collar and lifts him up from across the table. "You almost killed (Y/N) all because you can't let go," he growls.

"How am I supposed to let go? You took everything from me!" Steve yells and shoves Levi off of him and they both knock over their wooden chairs, Levi's smashing to pieces.

"(Y/N) what's going on?" my mum stands up with me and wraps an arm around my back.

"This monster took everything away from me," Steve shouts, picking up a knife and pointing it towards Levi.

"What do you mean he almost killed (Y/N)?" she looks over to Levi.

"(Y/N) was living in my house and he set it on fire," Levi mutters.

"Y-you tried to set my daughter on fire?"

"What? No! I didn't know she was there and I didn't know they were together, honey I swear-"

"If you had killed my daughter, I swear to God, Steve-"

"God? There is no God," he spits. "If there was a God he would've killed me and not my brother!" Steve shouts, fire burning in his eyes.

"I know I used to be a horrible person, but you know what it was like down there," Levi tries to calm him down, sensing something bad is going to happen.

"He was a kid, Steve, please put the knife down," I cry out in fear.

"He was a kid who took my brother's life-"

"Yes," my mum cuts him off. "And if (Y/N) was in that fire, you would've been a fully grown adult who took my daughter's life. My daughter is under my protection, and if she tells me Levi is changed man, I believe her."

"Stay out of this (YMN)," Steve growls, readjusting the knife is his hand, eyes set to kill.

He pounces at Levi and he parries his attacks, trying not to hurt him. I pull my mum over to the side, sure that Levi will sort his frenzy out.

"I'm sorry about what I did, Steve, I only did what I was told to do," he tries to apologise.

"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME?" he screams, his eyes filling with tears.

The room goes deadly silent for more than a minute.

Steve stands up, eyes shrouded in darkness and mutters,

"Let's end this."



lia x

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