Chapter 3: Fiery hearts

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As I stood there with my shoulders slumped forward, I could see Annie and Mikasa's stunned expression. "Did I do ok?" I muttered, afraid that I did something unspeakably wrong. " did ok. I mean... you did great!" Annie blurted out in excitement before turning her head away in realization. Despite our short time together, I could tell she was clearly not the type to shower people with compliments. Seeing this, Mikasa just nudged her with her elbow before demonstrating her footwork. 

"Hey, I think you should come for a boxing match. I got an extra ticket. Annie will be in it. I'm sure she would like to see you there! Am I right?" She said halfway through the training as she flashed a smirk at Annie. I could see Annie just turning her head away, clearly not interested in the conversation. "Here. Be there at 7pm that day." Mikasa handed me the ticket and whispered to me before continuing with their training. 

Now it was their time to train. 

As I watched from afar. I realized how good they were. Their punches were sharp and powerful. Truly professionals! That was when I noticed Annie's bulging muscles peeking from her shirt. She was so ripped that I almost felt pity for the person that she would face in the ring. 

When I snapped out of it, Annie caught me staring and I immediately turned away. Embarrassed at the fact that I was intruding. "You can look if you're interested." She mumbled as she undid her hair. Not sure if I was dreaming but I could swear I saw a smile on her when she said that but it definitely made me feel better. 

Then, it was time for everyone to go back home since the sun was down. We bid our farewells before heading back home. They promised they would return this weekend again so I felt excited. As I opened the door to the living room, I saw Gabi and Falco watching television on the couch. The moment I entered they were giggling away. "So... which one's yours?" Gabi asked in her devilish voice. When they saw me confused, they kept jabbing my shoulders playfully and giving me a weird look. "Oh come on. Don't tell me you didn't felt anything when you were there." Falco joined in the fun. When I tried to get them to explain further, they just pushed me away and started speculating. 

"Do you think it could be the dark haired one? I saw her handing something to Y/N"

"No, I think it's the blonde haired one. She was looking away whenever their eyes meet. She's clearly embarrassed." 

"Oooooh" They both said in union

Afterwards, they giggled maniacally and both stared me down. 

"What's wrong with you guys? Move aside, grandpa just finished making dinner." I said irritated. "You're getting on my nerves." 

"Fine then, let's go Falco."

 "All right." he replied before leaving for the dinner table. It was only when we sat at the dinner table did I realize what they both meant. It felt super awkward for me when they both began making funny gestures poking fun at the fact that two pretty girls were talking to me. I was glad when Armin found out about it though because he stopped both of them and I was finally able to eat in peace. But I felt something change in me. Every time I thought about those two I felt extremely excited for some reason. It went on and on until the day came for their second arrival. 

The day of their arrival: 

I still remembered having clammy hands while waiting at the door. There was still a minute before they arrive. I bolted to the bathroom and used the tap water to gelled up my hair to make sure I was looking neat. Finally, I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey...Mikasa, Annie your here just in time" I said while trying to hide my nervousness. 

"Ready to practice today?" Annie asked and without hesitation I nodded my head in approval while trying to put on my shoes. "How long have you worn these shoes for?" "Oh. I only worn for a couple years. Why do you ask?" I replied. "Nothing" Annie said as she brushed her hair behind her years. 

Annie's POV: 

It was finally time for us to practice. Not sure why but I was feeling way more nervous than before. From time to time, I would take quick glances at Y/n to see what he was doing. And every time our eyes meet, it would get super awkward for us. While we were getting ready, I noticed that he was still using the spare gloves that we brought along with us. Seeing him trying to tighten the old and torn glove, I couldn't help but feel bad. I reached into my bag and whipped out my current gloves. 

"Here. This you. I...I got a new one so..." I mumbled under my breath as I held out my gloves in front of him by the laces. That felt like the longest 5 seconds of my life. 

Will Y/N think I'm weird? Am I even weird for thinking that? What does Mikasa think? Does she already know? I thought to myself. 

 But once I felt a tug on the gloves, it felt as if all the weight on my shoulders vanished. From a distance, I could swear I heard a laughter erupting from her mouth while fitting her gloves. "Thanks! I promise to look after it!" Y/N said as he beamed from ear to ear. At that moment, I instinctively turned my back towards him to stop him from noticing my face. Although I couldn't see my reflection, I knew it was flushed red. 

It was only after giving my face a few light smacks that I regained my composure. Suddenly, I felt a nudge and was greeted by Mikasa's grin when I looked up. "How about I train him today instead. I can tell your having some..." She paused while scanning me from head to toe. "Problems..."

 "Stop joking around...I'm fine but I'll probably have to take you up on your offer" I replied while jabbing my elbow into her gut causing her to wince. 

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