Chapter 9: Ber?

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"Hey Y/N, you ready yet? The missus is waiting for ya!" A sound screeched from the living room. "Whose asking? A dead mouse?" I taunted whilst trying to keep my cool. Today was my big day. The day where I go on a date with her. As I scooped up some hair gel from the container, I could instantly feel the weight of my heart. 

What if I mess up? Or what if it's just a meeting and I'm overthinking it? Could this be another one of Gabi's pranks? What if... 

But before I could go on, I slapped myself on my cheeks and sobered up. I had no time to waste. Tying the back of my hair into a bun, I gave myself one last glance at the mirror. 

No wait. My left side is uneven, lemme just... 

Finally after about 10 minutes in the bathroom, I was finally ready to meet her. I grabbed my coat from my wardrobe before half wearing it and half walking out the room. Today was going to be a cold day outside. As I peeked out the window, I could get a sense of how the weather was going to turn out. Though I was in the house, I could already feel the wind on my hands. The trees were dancing mercilessly in the wind. Or rather the wind is the puppeteer and the trees are the marionettes. Just at the corner of my eye, I could just make out a snapped branch being launched into a sign. "Wow...First date and this is how it's going? I'll be damned" I muttered while pulling up my collar to hopefully shield me from the cruel wind. "Yea. Not off to a great start. But you can make it end great!" A voice creeped up from behind me. 

"Hey, whatcha doing here? Go back and...I don't know? Study?" I bit my lip. "Please don't tell me you are tagging along?" I winced subtly and prayed that just for once, she would learn to respect my privacy. Surprisingly, she did! "She's all yours big guy." She said proudly while waving her hands away as if to signal it was no biggie. 

Before I left, I turned towards her and caught her in an arm lock before ruffling her hair. "I'll see you later ugly." I teased. "Speak for yourself" She retorted, before skipping excitedly to her room. 

I rolled my eyes one last time before grabbing my keys and busting through the door. As the door slammed behind me from the wind, I could tell that it was going to snow anytime soon. The sky was gloomy and the temperature was at least around 10 degrees. I shivered while making my way to the bus stop nearby. 

The countryside has always been known to be cold around here. Having an open land sometimes has its downsides. Like the wind is strong enough to knock over a cow, or once the sun was so hot that it set fire to the crops? The weather was definitely a little crazy around here. But fortunately, I'll be meeting Annie at a coffeeshop in the city. Hopefully, things aren't as crazy over there. 

Annie's POV: 

I was busy rummaging through my closet hoping to find a fit that was perfect for this supposed meet up. 

"Nope...Too tacky...Too dark...Ew what's this?" I sniffed it before wincing as I tried to held back my barf. It seems as though almost all the clothes I have apart from my school uniform are all sports wear. I sat down on my mattress as I tried to think of any way I can get myself a nice pair of clothes. However, to no avail, I couldn't find one that I liked. 

After partially giving up for a while, I decided to go with the black top with the grey sweatpants. But to my horror I heard a voice behind me "You sure you're going out in that?" I jumped and turn back to look. "Oh it's you Mikasa." I heaved a sigh of relief that it wasn't a (ghost). "Wait hold on, how long have you been standing there?" I questioned while cocking my head to the side to catch a look at the time. 

"Oh...maybe long enough to see that you have no other clothes to wear for the BIG DAY?" She mocked. A curl forming at the side of her mouth. "Well...I've got no choice have I?" I said while trying to comb my messy hair. "Here" She tossed me a black trench coat and I caught it just before it hit my face. "Now at least you won't freeze to death" 

I immediately fitted my hands through it. Although it was a little bit huge, it felt right the moment I wore it. I didn't realize how cold I was until I felt the warm fuzzy feeling making it's way across my body. Weirdly enough, it also got rid of the butterflies in my stomach. My body felt lighter and my head felt clearer. "Yep this should be perfect!" I squealed under my breath. 

"Bam...bam...bam" I heard the sound of pounding coming from my door. I gave one last look at the clock. Huh? It seems that he's early. I wonder if he got the time wrong or something. "Five more minutes!" I called as I hopped into my shoes while trying to fix the strap of my handbag. 

"Ok...hooooo" I gave a deep breathe to muster up any ounce of courage before opening the door. When the door creaked eyes were wide awake and I was rooted to the ground. Even without looking behind, I could tell Mikasa was in deep shock as well. 

"Bertolt?" I screamed. 

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