Chapter 16: The door between us

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Annie's POV: 

"Mikasa! Wake up!" I bellowed, my voice echoing through the room, as I vigorously pounded on the door. The long-awaited match day had arrived, the day where Mikasa had the opportunity to claim the coveted title of middleweight champion in the women's division. "Urghhh... five more minutes..." A muffled groan escaped from the other side of the door, accompanied by a resounding yawn. "No way! We're already running late!" I shrieked, intensifying my pounding on the door with even greater force, desperate to rouse her from her slumber.

"Here..." A voice came from behind me and a key flew in my direction to which I caught it with ease. "How the hell do you have this?" I raised my eyebrow at the seemingly suspicious Bertholdt but he simply shrugged and hurried me to unlock the door. 

With determination, I forcefully inserted the key into the lock, twisting it with all my might to pry the stubborn door open. As it finally yielded, emitting a familiar creak, I swiftly stuck my head inside, eager to access the situation. To my surprise, there lay Mikasa, sprawled on the bed, her body unclothed. Sensing Bertholdt directly behind me, my face turned red almost immediately. "Hey, Bertholdt, you better not be peeking in here..." I called out, my voice laced with a mixture of concern and sternness, promptly shooing him away. "Yup, gotcha..." he responded, his tone tinged with sheepish compliance.

The door creaked open, revealing a glimpse into her untidy room. Clothes were strewn haphazardly across the floor, creating a chaotic scene. Underwear peeked out from various corners, lending an air of disarray. Without understanding why, an impulse drove me to tidy up the scattered garments.

After fifteen minutes, I felt a sense of accomplishment. The room now bore witness to my efforts, transformed from a mess of dirty clothes to a more orderly space. However, it was difficult to classify these items as regular clothing. Mostly hoodies, sports bras, and the like, they deviated from what one would consider typical attire for a girl. Then again, she was far from ordinary. I couldn't help but silently chuckle as I picked up the underwear that was obscuring her face.

My heart leapt in my chest as her hand seized my wrists, startling me to the core. "Hey... when did I give you permission to come in?" Her voice, raspy and weak, sent a shiver down my spine. "Huh? What?" I stammered, my nerves tensing as a heavy weight of guilt settled upon me. "You know what, I'm not even going to ask how you managed to find my key..." Her disappointment was palpable. "But since you're here..." With arms outstretched and a reassuring smile, she beckoned me closer. "Come on, it's been ages since we've done this!" Her eyes, now shimmering under the piercing sunlight that streamed through the open window, seemed to hold a lifetime of unspoken longing. It felt like an eternity since I had last witnessed her radiant smile. "You know... I'm not exactly the affectionate type," I protested, my rebellious spirit rising as I rolled my eyes.

"I know... but I am!" she declared, in that very moment, I could swear that the mighty kraken had come to life. Its colossal tentacles threatening to engulf my entire being. With a swift motion, she pulled me closer, crushing my chest against hers. My head rested just beneath hers, granting me a clear view of her captivating features. Her eyes, usually dark, now held a subtle hue of brown beneath the sun's rays. The strong bridge of her nose bestowed upon her a touch of masculinity, adding to her alluring allure.

"Wow, you're burning up, Anne! Are you okay?" I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as she withdrew, her touch cooling the feverish heat on my forehead. "Nah... I'm good... Probably just anxiety," I lied through gritted teeth. Admitting that she was the cause of my flushed face and ears aflame with a searing pain seemed far more embarrassing. 

She softened her gaze, her eyes locked on mine. "I know you're lying..." A that instant, I felt that she was reading my mind. Her eyes were now piercing deep into my heart. How did she know I...Oh my God! 

"The match doesn't start for another three hours." She finished. Her smile gradually faded, replaced by a solemn expression. "Tell me what's wrong..." With a strength that belied her delicate appearance, she effortlessly lifted me up like a baby and settled me onto her lap. "It's Y/N, isn't it...?" she whispered.

With no other recourse, I finally bared my soul and confessed my feelings for him. The weight of my secret was lifted, and in that vulnerable moment, I surrendered the depths of my heart to her.

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