Chapter 6: The phone

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*This picture is a fanart and does not belong to me*

Over the next couple of days, I found myself tagging along with Annie and Mikasa to various trips down the city. Initially, I had thought that it was to train but boy was I wrong. The majority of my trips there were spent sightseeing. Although crowded, the city had a breath of fresh air that was different than the countryside. Almost everyone was rushing somewhere to do something. It felt as if everyone was moving faster.  

I shuffled nervously in my spot as I glanced back and forth from me. My eyes were constantly shifting between the bowl of ice cream in front of me and the two girls that were slurping away on their ice cold drinks. 

"You sure... that this tastes good?" I asked in confusion. This was my first time trying this delicacy and the two of them were adamant that I have a taste of this mouth-watering dessert. Raising my spoon gently from my table, I began to poke the alien looking dessert leaving behind smudges and dents at the sides. It was soft! 

"Hey. Whatcha waiting for? The ice-cream is gonna melt!" Annie said as she cackled at my strange demeanor. Even Gabi and Falco, that were sitting beside me were taunting me for being a coward. "I heard that some people get their brain frozen because they ate too much ice-cream!" Gabi squealed in excitement waiting to see my reaction. 

Annie and Mikasa simply just rolled their eyes and muttered that it wasn't true. "Why don't you start with the cherry at the top? Its your favorite fruit right?" Falco commented as he pointed to the red ball laying atop the mountain of cream. "You know we won't let you go until you have had a taste. Heck even Falco and Gabi have had this the last time we came here. " Mikasa said as she shoots me a smile before whispering in my ear, "You know this is one of Annie's favorite food right?" She brushed her hair calmly and returned to her seat. 

Before I knew it, my cheeks grew hot and my nerves began to race. I held out the spoon and scooped a big portion of ice-cream into my wide-opened mouth. Instantly, I was met with a cooling sensation in my mouth. I felt the insides of my mouth growing more numb each second. But soon after, my tongue curled in ecstasy as the chocolate taste made its way down my throat. "It's nice isn't it?" Annie said nonchalantly clearly trying to hold back her laughter after seeing all the fuzz just for a dessert. Feeling defeated, I nodded my head and began taking scoops upon scoops of it, actively shoving it down my throat. 

Annie's POV: 

Seeing Y/N's face made me chuckle uncontrollably for some reason but luckily I was able to mask it in my hands. Seeing as Y/N was enjoying the ice-cream, I couldn't help but feel slightly joyous. It almost felt like introducing a caveman to a microwave oven. But still, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by my next goal. I readjusted my pants uncomfortably and started my conversation. 

"So... Y/N... It seems like you enjoy your ice-cream?" I muttered as I cringed at my own voice. Almost immediately his head shot up like a puppy being called. His eyes were locked on me. It felt as if he could see through my soul. But soon his shoulders were slumped forward and his expression relaxed before flashing me a wide grin at which my body tensed up and my heart skipped a beat. "This is probably the nicest thing I have tasted!" He joyously exclaimed. 

Now's the time! I thought to myself. I gave myself a mental pat on the back and began "Uhm... Y/N. Have you considered getting a phone?" I said while twirling my fingers in between the locks of my blonde hair. My inquiry was immediately met with a few coughs. "Don't that thing cost at least like a few hundred-" 

" don't have to worry about that" Mikasa interrupted. "This fella over here..." She gave me a light punch on my shoulder to which I groaned. "already got that sorted for you." Although I was angry at her for not letting me deliver the news, I was also thankful to her for initiating it. "Well...It wasn't much but I saved up enough money to get this second hand phone but if you don't want it its fine-" "Are you kidding!" Y/N exclaimed as he high-fives Gabi and Falco.

 "Finally...I can call and message you guys now!" I handed him the phone to which he held it awkwardly in his large hands. It almost looked as though he could choke the phone to death just by gripping it. To my surprise, he was rather gentle with it. 

"Hey do you get this thing to start?" He asked embarrassingly. Seeing him look so helpless for the first time, I let out a small chuckle under my breath and taught him the basics.

Y/N: "I may need some time to get use to this. It's a lot to absorb." 

A: "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll get the hang of it." 

Y/N: "How much is it?" 

A: "Don't worry about the money it's-" 

Y/N: "No. I need to pay you back. I don't think I have the money to do it now but maybe later-" 

A: "Y/N, it's ok" I comforted him. 

Y/N: "um..." He stuttered for a bit before looking away from me. When I realized what had happened, I felt like drowning myself in the depths of the sea. My hands were touching his! At that moment, I could feel someone whispering into my ear the words: You sly dog. 

I could vouch for myself that my face erupting into flames. My hands began to shake and I started to get sweaty. "" The voice faded and all I could hear was my heartbeat. With each beat, my body was shaking more and more. My legs were close to giving way. 

Y/N's POV: 

"No. I need to pay you back. I don't think I have the money to do it now but maybe later." I insisted. I could not believe that she will spend that much money on this. A few hundred dollars is what our family earn a year working at the farm- All of a sudden, my train of thought was interrupted by a warm feeling that surrounded by ice cold hands. I looked down only to see a familiar hand clasping against mine. The hand was rather smooth except the few rough patches that ran along the entrance to the palm. It felt as if I was in heaven. 

"uh hmmmm" A sudden cough snapped me out of my daze. The warm and fuzzy feelings in my hand were turning to a cold nightmare. A million thoughts were racing through my mind in that instant. Are my hands sweaty? Why is she so close to me? Wait what happen before this? My blood was boiling and I could feel my cheeks flushed with the same color as the red peppers that dotted the entrance of the barn. I swiftly turned my head away, hoping that it will defuse the situation. However, a feeling of regret washed over me as I wondered whether Annie will think I hate her. 

"Hey Annie you ok? Annie!" Mikasa yelled from across the table. At that moment, I slid my hands out of her gentle grasps and grabbed onto her shoulders that jolted her awake. Seeing herself being held by me, she flinched almost instantly and got to her feet and then whispered to me, "Actually that's my old phone I hope you don't you don't have to pay me back..." 

We all sat her down and gave her some breathing space. "Are you ok?" Mikasa asked interrupting the silence. "Yea...I think I just need to grab something to eat..." she responded weakly and shyly. 

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