Chapter 14: Truth be Told

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Unlike its usual days, the café was awfully quiet today. In the last one hour, I had only seen a total of 2 people streaming in.  But that didn't matter, I liked it empty. Glancing at my watch for the hundredth time today, I let out a huge sigh and sunk back into the seat. I probably shouldn't have come so early, I know I told Mikasa to come at 5pm but feeling anxious and restless, I was already here at 3. The past hour had been torturous, trying to frame up what to say to Mikasa after that awkward moment. I had even thought of typing a script on my phone but that wouldn't be genuine. I should be honest with her.   

It all happened so fast. A tall but slender girl popped into my view after my head surfaced from the book I was reading.  "Um...hi..." She said awkwardly as she forced a smile on her face. Clearly, she was still conscious about her confession to me.  "" I adjusted in my seat, to which I could see her flinch and her lips were tightly knitted together.  "'s okay...I'm just here to talk to you..." I mumbled, hoping that that could get rid of her nervousness. "I see..." She finally spoken after a while of silence. Her face now bore a serious expression, her eyebrows were knitted and she looked like she was holding in a puke. "Hey Y/N, actually what I said that night...was my true feelings..." The words came pouring from her mouth. And after she was finished, she looked anxiously at my expression as she sat upright in her seat motionlessly. 

I placed the spoon that I was playing with down onto the table and inched closer to her. "I...get how you are have that indescribable feeling deep inside you...right?" I paused to which she nodded.  "And this bottling up inside of you...and you feel like you're about to burst..." I looked at her for a second and now she seemed more relax and focused on my speech. "So...what you are letting out your feelings...there's no wrong in should be proud of that..." I looked down again, my eyes felt like watering up. "But I don't really share the same feelings for you and I..." Before I could finish, she raised her hand in front of my face. "I...It's okay...I like Annie don't you?" Her face now looked contorted and her bottom lip was quivering. I nodded sympathetically before reaching my hand for her.   

"Now...what you did was good...but..." Her cries interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. Before I knew it, I found myself embracing her.  "There...there..." I whispered into her ear as I felt her cries on my chest. After a good while, she pulled away and wiped her tears with the sleeves of her hoodie. "Sorry...about all that..." "It's okay...but do you want me to guide you home?" I asked as I held her up onto her feet. "Yeah..." she replied but somehow it seemed like there was something else bothering her. But nevertheless, I decided to take her home. 

"Here you go...You alright heading to your apartment unit yourself?" I asked. "Yeah..." As much as I want to make her feel better, I knew that it'll just make things worse. Seeing her  legs still limp,  I stepped forward towards her. "Huh?" She looked at me wearily before she was struggling and frantically waving her arms and legs. "Hey! Put me down!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Ok...ok..." I obeyed her and did so. "Now are you feeling a lil better?" "Yeah...I guess so..." But I could still see her pouting. "Oh yeah...before you go..." She was now tugging on the sleeves of my shirt. "I wanna tell you something..." Her voice was now shaking. 

" kinda effed up..." Her back was now turned on me and she's now rubbing her arm. "I...I...told you Berthold and Annie was going out to make you mad at" "You did what?" I bellowed. "You lied to me?" I shouted. For some reason, I felt like I had been betrayed by someone close to me. "How could you...?" When she flinched, I thought she was going to run away again like last time but instead she collapsed onto the floor. "Hey...Mikasa!" I shook her. "Mikasa!" I shook her again. It was only until I saw her breathing that I finally relaxed and decided to bring her home. Although I was mad at her, I understood why she did that. Her breathing was now uneven but her pulse was strong and from what I can tell, she was probably suffering from fatigue. Looking at her closer, I think she hadn't slept in a while. One day? Two days? Three? She looked like a wreck. 

"Alright...I think I need to ask them for help." I heaved her onto my back and piggy backed her to her apartment. 

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