Chapter 19: The choice is yours

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Mikasa's POV: 

When I came to, I realised that the giddiness was still very much enveloping my entire vision. The world felt like it had been crashing, tossing and turning for the last minute or so. My head felt like it was glued to the canvas. My ears were still ringing from the deafening scream of the crowds. At the corner of my eye, I saw my opponent standing above me. She looked like she had no more energy left. Her arms were limped and her legs were shaky. This was my chance! Or so I thought. The moment my head left the canvas floor, I felt my body trembling. "6...7...8" The lights from above were blinding me but my mind felt calm at that moment. I knew I couldn't lose. I'd win. Not just for myself but for my friends. I gulped in a breath of fresh air before using my gloves to help myself stand up. 

Although my vision was still blurry, I could still see my opponent. "Are you okay to fight?" The referee asked concerningly. "Yea...I'm good..." My voice trailed off as I backed away from Hange. Hange was a tricky opponent. Unlike my other opponents, she is well-experienced. Also her technique is almost textbook perfect. 

As the fight resumed, I began using my lead arm to throw some flicker jabs at her, trying to keep a distance from her monstrous uppercut or hook. Instead of weaving through my jabs, she backed off. Perfect! I seized the opportunity to stepped forward with my other foot and drove my right fist into her stomach which sent her tumbling backwards. Except she didn't.... 

She just retreated, unfazed by my sudden attack. How did she? Her gloves clearly moved to guard her stomach. Just then, she began taking some huge steps forward. Her gloves were still on high guard. She's dead tight on protecting her head at this juncture. Wait don't tell me... I circled around her as I tried to keep her at a distance. Is she purposely doing this to bait me into hitting her exposed stomach? 

Sensing that the timer was running out, we both had the same thought. It's now or never. We both took a huge step forward with our lead fist out. As if in sync, the moment our lead hand gloves touch, we swung our hands hurling at each other's faces. 

Hange's POV: 

The moment the bell rang...I was still in a blur...I felt like I had already used up all my energy. When the referee separated us, I couldn't feel my limbs at all, yet I knew they were shaking uncontrollably. I felt absolutely awful. And to top it off, I realized my underwear was soaked. Damn it! That last punch must've scared me more than I thought. Standing there with Mikasa beside me, I felt like I was looking into an empty void. The lights above the audience were dark so I couldn't make out their faces. However experience told me that every single one of them were focusing on the fight. Contrary to a moment ago when everyone was cheering, everyone now seemed silent. They were all anxious. Anxious at the final decision. I stared down at my tank top. It was dripping wet with sweat and I think I may have gotten some blood on 'em. 

"And the winner is..." The tension in the air was palpable as the judges' voices boomed through the arena, each syllable drawn out in suspense. "HANGE!!!" The declaration reverberated like thunder, echoing off the walls and sending shockwaves through the crowd. The crowd went wild. I could swear I even saw the security guard tackling crazy fans onto the ground for wanting to make a run into the ring. At that moment, I felt relieved. I was finally back into the game! For the next 30 seconds or so, my body was paralyzed. I could only look down and see the huffing and puffing of my chest. 

Mikasa's POV: 

As I gradually emerged from the haze of unconsciousness, a wave of emotion threatened to engulf me. Tears welled up, begging for release, but I was utterly spent, devoid of the strength to indulge them. Every fiber of my being screamed with exhaustion as I staggered out of the ring and into the dressing room. The outcome was never in doubt. Hange's decisive blow had landed with pin point accuracy sending shockwaves coursing through my skull. The reverberations still lingered, a constant reminder of my defeat. It was, without a doubt, the most harrowing experience of my life. I stood on unsteady legs, a testament to the sheer force of adrenaline coursing through my veins. Every instinct screamed for respite, for the blessed release of collapse. Yet, somehow, I remained upright, a fragile facade sustained by sheer willpower.

The next few minutes, I just spent looking at the floor while my coach was going on and on about the match. Words like, "Well done...Ohhh it's alright...Are you ok" were thrown around so many times I felt like I lost count. In the end, I zoned out of his speech. I felt like I'd just spend an eternity in the dressing room hearing as he goes on about the entire fight. I just want some time alone. Some time to reflect. 

In a fit of rage, I threw my towel across the room, taking down the stack of bottles displayed neatly on the table. The plate of pastries also came crashing down... Washing the entire floor in crumbs. Afterwards, I took off to the bathroom, ignoring my coach's words. 

"Hey...are you okay?" A nonchalant yet concerned voice came from behind me. I glanced up at the mirror, meeting her gaze that was peeking through behind me. "I know you need some space but-" Her sentence hung in the air, unfinished as I felt a warm embrace from behind me. She knew me better than anyone. My trembling hands clasped onto hers gently. "Thanks..." The words escaped in a whisper and I felt my heart slowing. As her embrace lingered, a sense of calm settled over me. The world outside faded into insignificance, leaving only peace and quietness behind. In her arms, amidst the stillness, I found solace. 

I can't remember how long we both stayed in that position. But give or take at least 10 minutes. I turned around to face her. She look like she'd been crying. "Are you ok?" It was now my turn to ask her. Even I was shocked. She didn't seem like the type to show emotions very easily. "Did you know I was...was...when you got knocked out?" She stuttered in between tears. "I'm fine now..." I replied. Sure I don't really get knocked out but I think I'm fine. My voice also quivered which did not sound reassuring at all. 

*Ring tone plays* 

I reached for my pocket and whipped up my phone. An urgent message from an unknown number spilled across the screen. 

Hey Mikasa, it's me Hange. I just wanted to let you know I've recommended you to a friend who runs a boxing gym. He seems interested in you as well as a prospect. And I thought you'd be interested in joining him since after all...he won many titles before. Below is his number: 


"THE LEVI ACKERMAN?" I mouthed the words incredulously, as if uttering them aloud might confirm their authenticity. The very name carried a weight that reverberated through the boxing world. Almost immediately, a wave of happiness washed over me, carrying away the awful feelings of regret and discontent. Levi Ackerman was renowned not only for his prowess in the ring but also for his uncompromising standards. Countless aspiring boxers had been turned away by his exacting gaze, his training regimen unforgiving in its rigor. Despite that, the boxing community painted him as a maestro who handpicked disciples with the potential to ascend to greatness.

Squealing in delight. I whirled around to share with Annie the good news. As her eyes swept across the screen, mirroring the anticipation flooding my veins, her reaction was nothing short of explosive. My heart was at its breaking point. Anymore and I think I'm going into cardiac arrest. "Oh my god Mika, you know what this MEANS!" Her shout pierced the air which left my cheeks burning red. 

Shortly after, a second beep followed which prompted my eyes to run over it. "Shrap!" I cursed as I saw the text highlighted in red. "The gym is at XXX, you have to move nearby. The choice is yours." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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