Chapter 11: The Date

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Photo credits: Golden Time 

Y/N's POV: 

When I reached our meeting point which was just outside the coffeeshop, I was in a nervous wreck. Not only were my hands freezing but my entire body felt as if I had just woken up from a cryogenic sleep. That being said, the temperature in the mall did nothing to combat the cold. As I peered into the dark tinted window, I scoured for any signs of Annie. She wasn't there yet. Great, I thought to myself, least I have some time to prepare myself. 

Stepping foot into the coffeeshop was a whole different experience. The lights glistened in the entire room, reflecting off the waxed floor and table. Everything around looked so pristine. From the huge armchairs to the carpet on the floor, everything looked brand new. But what caught me off guard was the books that were lined in accordance to their height in the humongous bookshelves that was supposedly built into the walls. A sign read: Please return your book before leaving. The smell of books wafted through the air and drew me closer to it. Just as I was about to stroll towards the huge line of books, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

"Sir, a table for one?" A squeaky voice called from behind me. I instantly turned my head around to a waiter wearing an apron, looking slightly bleary-eyed. Probably from the long shifts. "Um...I'm waiting for a friend." I muttered before scrambling to find a table.

"Ok" She replied before prancing off to the break room. Initially I thought that arriving early would be a good opportunity to calm my nerves. But boy was I wrong. The whole time I felt even more nervous. Glancing around the place every few seconds or so in anticipation of her majesty's arrival. 

But a couple minutes later, I sprang out of my chair momentarily as I felt the vibration in my pocket followed by a loud ringing sound emitting from my phone. Without hesitation, I whipped out my phone from my pocket and stared straight into the phone. "How do I answer it?" I mumbled frantically.

At this point, everyone was looking at me. Probably hoping for the annoyance of a sound to finally come to a close. The next few seconds of my life was probably the worse. At the corner of my eye, I could already see that waiter I met earlier marching towards me with her brows furrowed. I panicked and hit a random key. 

"Hello...?" A voice called from the phone. "Yea hello? Who's this?" My throat was dry from all the chaos. "It's me, Mikasa. Hey so apparently...I think Annie's not coming anymore." She said in a disappointing tone. "'ll take her place. Is that ok?" "Um...Sure. I'm at Shingeki mall at that coffee shop just around the entrance." "Alright, I'll be there in 5. Just make yourself comfortable." 

When I hung up the phone, I didn't know how to react. Why wasn't Annie coming? Has she gotten into an accident? Or did I say anything to put her off? And why was Mikasa here? Wait hold on. Did Annie even like me in the first place? But Mikasa's coming? So does Mikasa-?  

A million questions raced through my mind. My eyes darted around the place once more before they eventually settled on the mesmerizing scenery. A single snowflake just outside had just fallen from the sky. Upon further inspection, it was shiny as well. It danced and turned as I placed my finger against the window tracing its path downwards.

"Eureka" I screamed silently in my head. I whipped up my phone and pointed it at that single snowflake. I guess it's a good time to try out the camera application. As I was happily snapping away, I felt a shadow behind me. I spun around and to my surprise, Mikasa was there with a look of confusion. "What are ya doing?" She questioned. "Oh um... I saw a snowflake. It looked pretty cool. So I thought I'll snap a picture of it." I replied ecstatically whilst showing her the images I have taken. 

"Wait it's snowing?" "Yea I guess. Though so far I only saw a couple snowflake that had fallen. May be a while before it actually snows." "Cool" She grabbed the chair opposite me and took a seat as she hung her bag on the arms of the chair. She began adjusting her hair for a few seconds before leaning in close to me. Her face inches away from mine. "So...I need to tell you something important." She spoke cautiously as she 'spilled the tea'. My heart pounded, things looked serious. Or so I thought?

At the halfway point, I heard something that had me gone completely bonkers. "You want me to what?" I blurted out before regretfully covering my mouth as I saw everyone turned to us momentarily. 

"Sshhh...I know it's confusing but you know...Annie is such a milksop. Now a guy called Bert is here and she's distracted and all." She reached for my hand. "It's only to spite her. I think that'll make her cave in and take you seriously." 

When she finished, she sank back into the chair and casually pulled out a lollipop from her bag. "You want one?" She offered as she took another one from out her dress. "It'll help to clear your mind." "Alright..." I accepted as I took the moment to contemplate on the decision. 

"So the plan would be to...go out with you to spite Annie into leaving Bert? Isn't that kinda cruel?" I raised my doubts to her. "Unfortunately...yes. Annie may look all tough and all but she's a huge softie inside." She twirled the stem of the lollipop with her fingers. "Bert's got her wrapped around his finger like a puppet."

"You ok?" She asked in a comforting tone, sensing my shock. "Today has been a little crazy so if you need anything you can tell me?" 

"Yea for sure. Just a little dizzy from all these." I held a hand to my head as I felt the room spinning faster and faster. Just then, Mikasa's eye widened and she dived forward and yanked the lollipop from my mouth. "Oh god" She cried out. "You're allergic to blueberry aren't you?"

 "Um...yea...uh oh..." But before I could finish my sentence, everything went pitch black. 


When I finally managed to opened the heavy eyelids of mine, I found myself lying down instead of sitting. Wait hold on where am I? I squinted as I moved my hands around to get a feel of my surroundings. Everything in front of me was a blur as my eyes struggled to focus on what's in front of me. 

As I wriggled my hands around, it landed on something soft and squishy. As I ran my hands downwards, I felt the soft and squishy texture morphed into something as hard as a rock. What the heck? As I reached for the supposedly soft part, I gave it a squeeze instinctively thinking it was a pillow. 

Instead, an unpleasant moan came from above. "Gosh, just snap out of it!" An irritated voice boomed and pulled me out of my half-slumber. I felt my torso jumped up in shock before smacking against something hard which brought back my giddiness from before. 

"Ouch" A voice shouted. When I finally came to my senses, I found Mikasa looking at me weirdly from above. Her chin looked swollen from up close.  "Looks like someone's finally awake." She said in a rather unpleasant and awful tone. 

"Sorry." I mumbled regretfully and got off from her lap. 

I rubbed my eyes once more trying to recall what had happened. " what happened?" I asked. "Well...I guess I must have fell prey to a groper." She spat sarcastically as she crossed her arms. 

"Huh what? Oh..." I came to a realization and apologized profusely for the commotion I may have caused. "Well...It's also my fault that I gave you the lollipop. I forgot you were allergic to blueberries." 

"Yeah but I should've checked as well." I groaned. "And anyways...the thing that I um felt...was that you?" I twiddled my fingers as I hung my head in shame. 

"First of wasn't just a thing. You...touched my boobs" She pointed at me "And if that wasn't enough you went for my stomach...before headbutting my chin like Nezuko."

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