Chapter 8: Cat and Mouse

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Upon returning from my trip today, I couldn't help but fiddle with my phone. Despite not having the slightest clue on how it works, I was still amazed by it. I always imagined a phone to be something like a television that everyone looks at for entertainment? But turns out it was more than that. Weighing almost nothing, it has a thick metal cover than ran around it except the top which was wrapped with a layer of glass. There were buttons on the side and camera at the back but otherwise it was completely smooth all the way round. And the best part was  it was touch activated. 

Just like a TV, when it is on, it produces this blueish hue of light. But unlike a TV, it can be customized to your liking. No more boring television channels. You watch what you want. Basically a television with freedom? I don't know. When I told Gabi that she just laughed and said that I was like a frog in a well. 

Not only can you call, but you can also send messages with a touch of a screen! My eyes lit up in excitement as I turned it on and the display shone. After about half an hour, I decided to find any form of instructions that could teach me how to operate this monster of a device. 

Oh? What's this? 

I rummaged through the phone box to find a piece of paper with instructions on some basic controls of the phone. After scheming through the nitty gritty part, I was able to make sense of some of the phone's features such as setting a password, taking a photo, sending messages, calling, etc. Believe me, when I say that learning how to use a phone is hard. 

Finally, the last line of the note read: 

Here's my number dummy: XXX-XXX-XXX

I squinted at it whilst racking my head to make any sort of meaning of this number. It took me at least half an hour for me to give up. Then, I decided to snuggle up in bed but my mind could not stop making sense of the line of numbers. It was only then when my phone buzz did I saw a message that shook me out of my cover. It was from Annie! 

It went: 

Annie ~Hi dummy, how's everything? Hope the instructions helped you with some basics! Don't forget that I'm coming tomorrow! Make sure that you have an early night! 

Me ~Thanks for the phone. I really appreciate it. 

Her ~It's fine. Although, I was kinda wondering if you saw that line of number? 

Me~ Yea. But what is it? 

Her ~Oh um...Seems like you're really a dummy aren't you? 

Me ~Well...I mean...I'm still new to this. 

Her ~I guess so. That number is a phone number. 

Me ~Oh really? I'm so dumb! Haha. I know what that is. I have a landline phone at home. Can't believe I thought it was something like a code. 

Her ~I see. Well, that number is also important for messaging. 

Me ~Messaging? 

Her ~Like what we're doing now. You need to add the person as contact and then you can start messaging them. 

Me ~Oh I see... 


"Hey brother, wake up!" I woke up to someone whining and yanking onto my clothes. "Wake up! It's your date with Annie!" The voice continue to ring violently in my ears. "What's all this ruckus?" I said as I rubbed my sullen-looking eyes with the back of my hand. It was Gabi making a scene again! 

"Hey what do you mean by date?" I asked clearly puzzled with what she was referring to. 

"Didn't she ask to meet you today?" 

"Yea...But how do you know that?" I interrogated her. "Did you look through my phone?" 

She went silent for a while before pouting her cheeks, "Just a gut feel." 

"Don't lie to me" I demanded. "Tell me the truth!" 

"Alright...I just happened to saw your phone lying on your table and it was on. So I just happened to take a glance of it. " 

"I remembered putting it in the drawer you little rascal! But whatever, I don't really care. Just make sure you don't damage it or anything" 

"Sorry. I...I was just curious. You know Annie likes you right?" She mumbled under her breath. 

"What? How? and Why?" I was dumbfounded. "Why'd you bring this up all of a sudden anyways." 

"I mean...Don't you notice her looking at you all the time? She also feels embarrassed when you get close to her...I mean...her face was bright red when you held her hands yesterday and you probably were the one that made her faint." She spilled out everything at once while acting like I was in the wrong. 

"Are you sure you aren't just crazy?" I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Yep...Only a girl would notice these little things. I mean you are really really dense sometimes." 

"Dense? As in your calling me heavy?" 

"No I mean...the fact that you are oblivious to everything around you. That's probably why..."

 She giggled. "You are called a dummy." 

"Oh really now?" I retorted. "If you are so smart, why can't you cook dinner by yourself?" 

At that instant, I saw her face went from bright red to the dark red. She was fuming. I clearly struck a nerve over there! Gathering my composure, I saw the opportunity to play it off as a joke. 

"Well... I mean I was kidding. That lasagna you made the other night tasted great and..." 

"Really?" She stood with her hands on her hips reminding me of that grumpy grandma which lived a few feet away from our house. "Then why did you barf it out in the toilet?" 

How did she find out? I remembered flushing the toilet and I was being very discreet about it! 

I crossed my arms and tried my best to make an excuse. "I mean...I was feeing a little sick that day know I think lasagna isn't really good for my stomach. But that was last time and I'm feeling fine now so. It wasn't your lasagna by any chance, it was (haha) my stomach I guess." My thoughts were everywhere and I was barely even able to conjure a sentence. 

"Really?" She narrowed her eyes at me. "So...if I were to cook for you and Annie tonight...You'll be fine with that? No barfing?" She suddenly brought Annie into the picture. I knew that she saw through my act but I did not want to risk making her mad. 

"I mean...yes...I'm fine with that?" I replied shakily. 

"Is that a question or an answer? Huh?" I could see that her face was turning darker and redder by the moment. 

"An answer." I blurted out knowing that I was already doomed. 

"You know...I'm joking right?" She said whilst trying to imitate me as a mouse being cornered by a stray cat and laughing away in the midst of all that. I've never felt like I wanted to beat up someone that bad. 

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