Chapter 15: Mikasa's recovery

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Mikasa's POV: 

As I regained consciousness, I saw Bertholdt, Annie, and Y/N standing at the foot of my bed, their faces creased with concern. Annie's hair was disheveled, and her complexion was pallid, suggesting she hadn't slept well for days. Y/N comforted her with a reassuring back rub. "Is she okay?" Annie asked, her voice quivering and she was on the verge of tear. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine," Y/N replied, trying to assuage their fears. Although his words were meant to alleviate the tension, I felt a twinge of jealousy washed over me. I took a deep breath and muttered, "I'm alright." My voice reverberated in the quiet room, and everyone eyes were on me at once. At once, they inundated me with inquiries, suffocating me with concern. I buried my head under the blanket, seeking solace.

"Hey guys..." Y/N spoke out amidst the chaos. "I think we should leave her to rest for a bit." Hearing that,  I heaved a sigh of relief. The room around me was still spinning and I was in no condition to hear what everyone had to say. "Y/N, I'll entrust you to look after Mikasa. Is that okay?" Annie asked with her left foot already out the door. "Yea, I'm fine with that...oh and if you do drop by...bring along some sweet potatoes...Mikasa like those, " Annie flashed him a smile and left the room with Bertholdt.

Mikasa like those, " Annie flashed him a smile and left the room with Bertholdt

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For the next couple of hours and days, Y/N took care of me. He sat beside me, holding my hand, and asking me how I felt. He helped me to the bathroom and even helped me to shower, which was incredibly embarrassing, but I knew I couldn't do it by myself in my current state. My body was still weak, and every movement took a lot out of me. 

As he helped me wash my hair, I felt my face turning red with embarrassment

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As he helped me wash my hair, I felt my face turning red with embarrassment. I couldn't believe that Y/N was seeing me like this, vulnerable and helpless. But at the same time, I felt grateful for his kindness and care. His touch was gentle, and his words were soothing, and I felt safe in his presence. In that moment, I wished that the days would never end. 

But to my disappointment, the tap was switched off and shower time was finished. Still, Y/N was there for me. He helped me back to bed and tucked me in. He brought me a cup of warm tea and sat beside me, holding my hand once again. "You'll be okay," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and comfort. "I'm here for you." His words made my heart swell with gratitude, and I felt a lump form in my throat. Despite my embarrassment, I knew that I was lucky to have someone like Y/N by my side.

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