Chapter 1: The countryboy

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Y/N: Your name 

H/C: Hair color

B/N: Best friend's name 


That day was like none other. The sun was stood directly above my head and shining as bright as ever. It was as if it was trying to get me to throw in the towel and head back home to rest. Feeling exhausted after spending the past 2 hours ploughing the field, I decided that it was finally time to head back home to cool off. "Guys, check out Y/N, he's still working in the fields even in this heat!" A voice of a young boy taunted. At the corner of my eye, I caught a bus packed with children speeding by the field. They were all giving me weird glances and giggling away. "I wish I could go to school..." I mumbled under your breath. As I staggered your way back after a grueling 2 hours, I thought to yourself. 

Y/N: I wish I wouldn't have to work my butt off for this stupid...

Just as I was about to finish, I bit my lips and held back. Even though I hated my granddad for not sending me to school, he still managed to look after me all these years. "Arghh!" I cried out as I held my head in shame. 

Y/N: "I wish my stupid parents didn't just leave me here..."

I said as I choked on my tears and fell to my knees. Life has always been unfair. Seeing all the people living in the city has only made me envious of all the things I lacked. 

Armin: "Hey what's wrong Y/N?" 

I looked up to see Armin standing in front of me looking concerned. He grabbed me by my shoulder and handed me his handkerchief. "Thanks," I mumbled. 

Armin: "It's those school jerks right? They have been taunting me to for the last few years. Don't take what they say to heart, they are just jealous that we don't have to be bury our heads in our books all day." 

Y/N: "But you still do..." I chuckled, feeling better of my predicament. 

Armin: "Yeah but I heard that school is almost like a prison. Just the thoughts of it gives me chills every time." 

Y/N: "What's a prison?" I asked curiously. 

Armin: "Oh... um...let's see... something like the cage we use to catch wild snakes and mice but like bigger. Trust me it's no fun there" He answered as he rolled his eyes. 

Y/N: "But aren't we like that too? We're confined to this farm to work our butt off-" 

Armin; "Hey, it's not. At least we get the freedom to play around in the grasslands during the weekends. And plus... we get delicious food." He cut in. 

He then slapped my back forcing a groan from me before walking me back home. It was already dark by the time we finished our work. Being the eldest, Armin was tasked to look after the animals. Like feeding them, milking the cows, collecting the eggs from chickens, cleaning up their...Just the thought of it makes me puke. As I was one of the strongest in the family, I was tasked to plough the fields which was one of the most arduous tasks to do. Gabi, my sister, was assigned to housework. Falco, being the youngest was just asked to focus on learning how to write. 

"Boys...Dinner's ready!" my grandfather yelled at the top of his lungs just as we entered the house. "Gosh don't scream when we're already here." Armin replied. "Sorry, I heard from Gabi that you will be at the fields today."  "It's alright" I responded. Gabi then came out of the kitchen holding plates of freshly cooked mashed potatoes and vegetables. "I know this is your favorite, so I asked grandpa to teach me how to cook this dish today." Gabi said excitedly as she handed us our food. "Wow, you made this?" Armin said with his mouth full of potatoes. "Its good" "Don't talk with your mouthful Armin!" She berated. "You're going to choke." Armin just rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Hey what's for dinner today?" Falco asked as he made his way to the dinner table yawning away. 

Gabi: "Mashed potatoes. I made them mostly myself with grandpa's help." 

Falco: "Oh that's nice." He grinned cheekily. 

Gabi: "Why what's wrong?" 

Falco: "Nothing...It's just that I didn't think you were cooking material. Last time you did that, you almost burned our kitchen down. We were lucky grandpa was there. And you remember that time you broke Armin's favorite plate when serving dinner? And that time when you almost-" 

Gabi: "Oh shut up. As if you are any better. When I was 5, I could already read Shakespeare. Now you're 6 but still learning how to write and read, you illiterate brat." 

Falco: "But...but...I" It wasn't long before he hopped off his chair and went running to his room; bawling his eyes out. 

Armin: "Hey, that wasn't nice. I know you're a child prodigy but it doesn't give you the right to mock him." 

Gabi: "He was the one who started it firs-" 

Armin: "Come on you're 12, you shouldn't make fun of him." 

She opened her mouth just as Armin finished but no words came out. Seeing everyone's look of disapproval she just hung her head in guilt as she scooped up her portion of the potatoes and filled her mouth with it. "Ok... guys...cut it out. They are both in the wrong. Ok? Just because Falco is younger doesn't mean he should nitpick on Gabi. And Gabi, you shouldn't do the same to Falco. You know he's sensitive about his studies. Not everyone is naturally gifted at studying. You know he looks up to you the most." Our grandfather said. Seeing no reaction from Gabi, he patted her on his head and said, " Come on now, you know what to do" "Fine I'll go speak to him later." She murmured. "Don't be too hard on yourself, I know how it feels like getting taunted." I said as I reached for the broccolis. "Every single time when the school boys-" "Uh hm" Armin coughed. "School jerks pass by the fields, they always mock and tease me. Once they even threw a nickel at me and said that I deserved it because I'm too poor to do anything but slog at the fields all day." The moment I finished, the whole room was silent. Everyone was just staring down at their plates gloomily playing with their food. I shouldn't have said that.

The Country Boy: Annie X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now