Chapter 12: Green Hats

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Y/N's POV: 

"You sure you're alright to walk back home yourself?" Mikasa asked with a look of concern on her face. "Yea" I shrugged it off trying to process what had happened earlier on. 

I was still confused about everything. From the date which Annie originally agreed to go on to Mikasa walking me to the bus stop. The entire time while we were walking together, I could feel her gaze on me. 

"Did I? Cheat on Annie?" There was a pause as I tried to clear my head of this pending thought.  "No you didn't" Mikasa replied. To my embarrassment, I blurted it out. "Ok first of all... you and Annie aren't together...Ok? Heck, today was suppose to be your first date. But guess what? She decided to stick with that bamboo pole." She whined as she tried to lighten the awkwardness between us. Although she's been friends with Annie for a while now, this was something she couldn't tolerate. 

"She's confused when it comes to the whole romance thing," She rolled her eyes, "But in the suddenly turns into a warrior." We reached out stop and she hugged me goodbye. I knew that was her way of comforting me so I didn't put too much thought into it. Now then, how shall I face Annie. 

As I hobbled onto the bus, Mikasa waved me goodbye before walking off for Annie's house to check up on her. I could see that she was furious. Fuming mad at not me but Annie. Thinking back to the date, I couldn't help but feel elated that she came. At least it went rather smoothly. Kinda. 

The bus took off as quickly as it came and before I knew it I dozed off to the bus monotonous whirring. Every now and then I could feel my head collide against the window but I was too tired to do anything about it. 

(30 minutes later)

"Hey, dude. Wakey wakey. It's your stop." A voice gently shook me awake and I felt something hit against my cheek. As I opened my eyes wide to see who it was, I was shocked to see a women with a pony tail standing in front of me. Her red-brown hair, her hazel brown eyes glancing nervously. She looked about my age and was only slightly shorter than me. At the corner of her mouth, I  spotted crumbs of bread. Her mouth was puffed up like a chipmunk. 

"Look man, I don't have all day." She complained as she stuffed her face full of bread with her other hand on the side of her hips. "Sorry about that..." I apologized profusely as I walked myself to the exit. "Hey, don't be..." She muttered something as she walked back to the driver's seat. 

"'re the driver?" I exclaimed. This time I was fully awake. 

"Yep...The only job that allowed me to eat when I work." She grinned. 

"Aren't you a lil' too young to be driving the bus?" 

"Yes...yes I am." She responded cheerfully as she munched on her snack. 

"Anyways dude, you cool right?" She raised her eyebrow  

"Yea?" I responded puzzledly

"Ok great. Don't snitch on me. The sign said no drinking and driving but I guess eating doesn't counts right?" She eyed me before saying, "Snitches don't get bitches." 

She bit off another chunk off her bread. 

I raised my hand to signal a tight zipped lips before proceeding to the bus exit. 

Before I got off the bus, I suddenly remembered my original question and spun around. 

"Oh wait...One more thing..." I stopped her right before the bus door closed. "How'd you know I live here?" 

Her eyes widened and I could see laughter seeping through them. "I've been told by my colleagues that a country bumpkin lives here..." Crumps of bread spewed from her mouth as she spoke. "I expected like a guy covered in a potato sack to be marching down the bus." She giggled. 

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