Chapter 4: The Champion

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Credit: verbartt on twitter 

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Credit: verbartt on twitter 

Y/C= Your country 

Your POV: 

Time flew by fast and soon the most anticipated fight came. But before that, she was asked to weigh in. I was lucky that I was able to follow her into the room. She was silent the entire time. I could tell that she was extremely jittery today because of the fight. She had trained 3 months for this and it would be a shame if she lost today. Hearing her name got called out, I turned towards her and gave her a light shake. "Hey it's your turn." I whispered. She looked puzzled for a second before finally understanding the situation. She took off her robe and stood on the machine. It was sight for sore eyes! 

Everything from her back muscles to her arms were perfect. She had a lean and muscular build. The perfect balance of speed and power! Before I knew it, I saw drool dripping from my lips. Embarrassed that someone saw, I quickly wiped it with my shirt. When I turned back to her, I saw that her face was beet red. 

 "46 kilograms!" The man shouted. "She passed the weigh in!" The man beside her exclaimed as he scribbled something on his notebook. Just then, the door bursts open. Another lean looking women marched in as she slammed the door behind her. A malicious smirked was plastered on her face. "Looks like someone is going to lose today. You still remember the bet? The loser has to step out of the ring for an entire year!" She exclaimed while throwing jabs and hooks in the air. "And I am not going to lose." She said as she pushed past Annie. 

When Annie and I left the room, I could vaguely hear the words "50 kg!" She just passed the weight limit!" 

"Hey Annie?" I muttered under my breath, twiddling my thumbs together. "Yea? What's up?" She asked shakily. "Good luck" "Thanks" And then we separated after exchanging a fist bump. 

The fight started as soon as I found Mikasa in the audiences. The moment I spotted her, she waved me towards her. After being lost for quite a while, I was glad to see her. The bell rung as soon as sat next to her. 

The referee signaled with his hands before stepping back to allow the fight to commence. 

For the first few minutes, I was tense. This was my first fight I had ever seen and my eyes were locked on Annie. 

Every time the opponent stepped towards her, she would retreat backwards. The same pattern continued for a while. But as the timer hit the 1 minute mark, I could feel a change from her stance. Her hands were high up to her face. Her legs were firmly rooted to the ground. Is she planning to advance now? I thought to myself. 

The next few scenes were amazing. It all happened so fast! All I saw was Annie shifting her stance. Now her right feet was forward and her left feet back. 

"Southpaw!" Mikasa wailed as she stood up momentarily from her seat and cheered her on. 

Her right feet then slid forward as she let out a fury of jabs at the opponent. The opponent was caught in her barrage. She tried to use her hands to block her face but it was too much and she collapsed onto the canvas. "Down!" The referee shouted before counting to 10. 

Annie looked unamused as she made her way nonchalantly towards her corner. "1.." "2..." The referee counted. At the fifth count, the opponent started using her hands to support her weight as she tried to get up. "6.." "7..." The count went on. "Yea...yea...I'm getting up now." She responded in agony. In the nick of time, she stood on her two legs and held her stance. It was only after confirming that she was ready to fight, did the referee allowed the match to resume. 

This time the opponent wasted no time and made a beeline towards Annie who had just emerged from her corner. "Wow! Now the challenger is making her way to the champion!" The commentator screamed. "Wait. Champion?" I blurted out. "Yep. She's the champion alright. The eastern light flyweight rookie champion of Y/C!" Mikasa explained proudly before ranting on about her achievements. 

Wow! The eastern rookie champion? I can't believe it! 

" rank are you?" I asked curiously. She gave me a weak smile before answering. "Oh I'm not that great" She muttered looking down at her knees. "I'm the Flyweight champion of Asia!" Her eyes lit up immediately after that. "Were you surprised?" She teased as she nudged me in my gut. I was amazed at my training buddies or whatever they are to me. Not only were they professionals but they were title holding professionals! 

"Wow! The champion countered the challenger's cross with a hook! Will the champion be able to retain the title?" The commentator squealed in delight. He looked as though as he was about to jump over the table and join in the fight. The person beside him then had to rest his hands on his shoulders to calm him down. 

I turned my attention towards Annie. And once again the opponent was sheltering her face from the hooks and jabs. Soon, the opponent was pushed to the ropes and Annie began to do another barrage of jabs before using a final cross to bust open the defense. As the challenger's guard fell, I could tell her eyes were still alive. She was not about to give out soon. As soon as her guard fell, she dodged momentarily before sending a right uppercut towards the champion's face. 

At that moment, my whole body was on edge. I gripped the seat tightly and silently cheered for Annie. Come on! Move away! I screamed at the top of my lungs in my head. The crowd also went silent. Everyone was clearly worried for Annie. 

"Woosh..." The challenger's arm swung just inches away from the champion's face dripping with sweat. Her eyes flashed a hue of green before lashing out with her left arm. But the champion is not called the champion for nothing. Annie did a countered punch and sent her face flying to the ground mere seconds before her head got pounded. 

"Bam!" The challenger's face slammed on the ground as Annie's cross connected. But this time, the referee did not count and just call off the match. Apparently the fight was over. Annie had won! As the referee raised her right arm in victory, the audiences all burst into applause. Even Mikasa who was silent during the whole ordeal finally cheered in excitement! 

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