#25 Rubi

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"Ren?" I say loudly, when I realise that he's been at a standstill by my side for quite some time now, his hands limply holding the garden rake against his body, his thoughtful eyes staring into the distance

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"Ren?" I say loudly, when I realise that he's been at a standstill by my side for quite some time now, his hands limply holding the garden rake against his body, his thoughtful eyes staring into the distance. "Earth to Ren!" I shout, and this time, I successfully pull the focus back into his eyes. He whips his face towards me and frowns. "If you want to go home anytime soon then quit dreaming and start working those arms!" I scold.

He gives me an unsolicited eye-roll, but resumes to sweep away at the ground without protest. "Yeah yeah."

I sigh and pick at the clutter of dry leaves with my own rake. We're well into the evening, and the only people on campus at this hour, besides us, are the boys' baseball team, practicing not too far away. I want to finish up our committee shift and leave this danger zone before their game gets heated enough for balls to start flying.

"So what were you thinking so much about anyway?" I ask as I work.

"Just stuff," he replies distractedly.
Stuff, he says. "Akito stuff?" I innocently inquire.

"Wh-HUH?" he yelps incoherently, fumbling to catch his rake as it slips out of his hands.

I smirk. "Spot on."

"N-No, the fuck are you saying? Why would I be thinking about that idiot!? There's nothing to even think about in the first place," he sputters, quick and clumsy.

"Really~" I tease, marveling at how easy it is to get Ren this worked up. "Hmmm let's see, how about that date you two went on the other day? Doesn't that give you something to think about?"

"W-What date?" he flounders, cheeks stained red.

"Akito's special birthday date."

"That was NOT a date! We didn't go anywhere, he just came over to my house-"


"Shut up," he groans, flicking his rake in my direction and sending a plethora of muddy leaves into the air. I jump out of the way but fail to escape all of the flying dirt. "Ren! What the hell - you got my uniform all dirty," I whine. He grins, and now it's my turn to swing my rake towards him for revenge. He curses, and giving up on the rake entirely, starts to kick at the mud till it stains my socks brown. I squeal and try to hop away, kicking back when I'm allowed a chance. "Enough! Stop! Ren, why you-"

The sound of a throat clearing puts an end to our antics before we manage to kick up a full on storm. Brushing the dirt off my skirt, I turn around to see a boy I don't recognise, looking sheepishly at the two of us. "Uh, sorry for interrupting...whatever this is, but I was hoping I could speak to Ichijou." His black hair is tucked in a reversed cap, and he's wearing our school's baseball jersey. Someone from the team, then.

I direct a silent question towards Ren, only to see that he's already glaring daggers at the boy. I'm not sure if he does this on purpose, or if it's just become an instinct of his, to try to scare away anyone who comes near. I move to stand closer to him and touch his arm. "Fuck off, I'm not interested," he barks.

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