#09 Akito

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With a firm clasp on the sleeve of my sweater, Rubi steers me down the steep concrete steps that make up the bleachers encircling a small portion of the school track field

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With a firm clasp on the sleeve of my sweater, Rubi steers me down the steep concrete steps that make up the bleachers encircling a small portion of the school track field. She falls into a sitting position on the second step from the front and taps the space beside her. I lower myself to the spot, silently grateful for the distance that helps tune out the excited chitter of the crowd of students in the back.

"I hope you don't mind; I try to avoid crowds. The strings." She smiles unsurely. "They kind of make it hard for me to see clearly. Plus, the red PE uniforms make everything a little overwhelming. You know, too much red," she adds nervously, looking over at me to gauge my reaction. "It's alright," I say, trying for a reassuring edge. Her circumstances are admittedly strange, but I'm in no place to be a sceptic.

She nods, her smile turning firm. "It's so weird to be talking about this with someone." Her eyes wander away, and she abruptly straightens, grabbing hold of my arm and giving it a slight shake. "Look, Ren's almost up."

I turn to the open field, and my gaze instantly hooks on Ren, cutting past the students and teachers scattered around the track. He's adjusting his posture, feet firmly planted to the ground, ready to break into a run. The boy beside him seems to be attempting to strike up a conversation, but Ren only sneers at him, confirming my suspicions about his lack of a healthy competitive spirit.

The ringing of a whistle cuts into the air, signalling the runners to fall into line. Rubi's grip on my arm tightens, and a rush takes over my body. It's unclear if it's something I feel on my own or a result of Ren's heightened excitement, but when a second whistle follows, I'm unable to tear my eyes from him for even a second as he takes off, steadily bounding past each of the runners, his hair messily whipping around in the wind.

A grin breaks across his face, and next to me, a shrill laugh escapes Rubi. "Akito! He's leading!" she exclaims, eyes trailing Ren as he veers sharply in our direction before anyone else can. I feel my face go warm as the racket of his emotions inside me goes quiet. He's enjoying himself. Right now, Ren is so blatantly happy that it's plain for everyone to see. His pleasure is as obvious to those around him as his brooding usually is. Ren doesn't hide anything.

It doesn't last. I press my palm against my heart as I feel something start to build again, something solid and disconcerting. Ren's elation is slowly dropping as he draws closer.

He's caught sight of me. Our eyes meet across the field, and one of Ren's feet catches on the other, one misstep leading to the next until he trips, costing him a precious second during which another boy passes him. But he's up again in less than a moment, giving chase to the boy, and my breathing resumes. He doesn't look my way again.

Rubi claps and cheers beside me while
I sit very still, breaths coming in uneven fits, unable to comprehend what just happened between us as Ren crosses the finish line, coming in second.

"That was so close!" she groans softly, then swiftly turns to face me. "Did you know he was such an athlete? It took me completely by surprise." She's grinning widely, but I can't muster even a fraction of her enthusiasm. I feel inexplicably unsettled.

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