Good and Bad News

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Earth. Birth place of the human race. A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion....and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before.

For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Together, we form an alliance with the humans. A secret but brave squad of soldiers. A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe.

It's been a few months since the Mission City Attack. William and Epps have been pressing me about telling the Autobots about what I know. I kept saying 'no, I'm not ready' because I wasn't ready to tell the bots that I've seen years into the future, I've seen their family members die off one by one.

Last night though Will came up to me saying he had good news and bad news for me.

The good news....uh, I'm not on babysitting duty? Bad news....Optimus wants me to talk to the Autobots. Like today, like right now.

I tried to run to my room but before I could even get to the base of the stairs, Ironhide's holoform caught me.

"No! Please!"

Ironhide's holoform had to literally drag me out of the house and into his alt-mode before dissolving. He started speeding down the driveway and onto the highway too so that I wouldn't jump out. His words, not mine. As if I'd survive it anyway.

"'Hide, please, take me back....I'd rather live for another day, or...not get laughed at by the entire base." I begged. Yes, yours truly, begged but only because I am desperate to have the 'talk' gone. Vanish!

"No can do kiddo. Optimus wants to know how you know what you know." There were a lot of 'ow's' in that sentence. I slumped against the seat. "I would also like to know." I saw something flicker next to me. I looked to see his holoform coming to life next to me. "Not just any human would know where to be at an exact time. No normal human could've saved Jazz."

I looked away from him and to the side mirror. I saw Bee following us with Sam, and Mikaela. Optimus wanted everyone to know what I've been hiding. William was already at base, left this morning saying that he and Epps were going to set everything up. For once, I didn't know what they were talking about.

"Who said I wasn't normal? I'm normal, Ironhide. I just know more than anyone else."


We pulled up to the hangar and only saw two guards, nobody else, it was like we just entered a ghost town.

Ironhide pulled into the hangar and there I saw Optimus, William and Robert Epps. That's it. I'm getting scared. Bee parked next to Ironhide.

I got out and let Ironhide transform before I watched him walk away, open a door off to the side on the room and walked in. I looked up to Optimus then shot a look to Will.

He smiled before backing up with Epps until they got to the side door which Ironhide went through before entering and disappearing from view. Sam and Mikaela laughed before following Bee, who was already walking to the door.

"Ellie." I jumped at the sudden voice and looked up to Optimus. He kneeled down so I could see him easier.

"Y-yes?" Why am I stuttering?

"How would you feel about talking to everyone about how you knew to save Jazz, and how Bumblebee would loose his legs..." Optimus trailed off.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked.

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