It Begins....and Ends

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We were driving down the road when Sam talked.

"That's them, right there. See the flare?"

"Right over there! You see it?" Simmons pointed out the windshield. I looked out and saw it soaring higher before arching down.

"Guys! Bumblebee! I suggest to get ready." I told him.

"Wh-" Sam was going to ask when Starscream's missiles came flying down around us.



"Oh! Whoa!"

I looked at Leo as we turned a corner trying to dodge the missiles and he was trembling with his face turning red. Until he finally broke.

"Oh God. Please God! Please."

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out." Mikaela chanted.

"Please God please-" Leo kept saying.

"Shut this guy up, huh?" Simmons said.

"Please, just let me live, just let me live!"

"Shut up and let him drive!" Mikaela yelled.

"Just stop screaming-" Sam said. I sighed and found his pressure point before jabbing it making him black out.

"Thank you! Can't- take that guy anymore." Simmons said.

We continued to drive, trying to loose Starscream but as we turned a corner a missile came flying as Screamer transformed and landed in front of us.

"Whoa!" Sam yelled. We could see dust flying up from the bullets being shot at us.

"Hide in the dust! Use the dust!" Simmons told Bee, or Sam. I don't know who was driving.

We drove into the dust floating in the air before getting out of the car.

"We've got to split up. Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, all right? I'm gonna get Optimus." Sam said with Mikeala beside him. I was standing more beside Simmons.

"I'll help draw their fire with Huey and Dewey there. You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid." Simmons told Sam.

"Thank you. Ellie? You coming with us, or will they need you?" He gestured to Simmons and Leo.

I shook my head. "They'll be fine, come on." I ran towards Sam and Mikaela before we started running across the open sand.


We ran for awhile in the smoldering sun and hot sand when we got to a sand dune that we climbed to find four flares flying in the sky.

"There they are." I sighed but I knew it wasn't going to be as simple as just running a few miles and then reviving Optimus.

"Look. There it is. We got a couple of miles." Sam announced before grabbing Mikaela and running with me behind them.


"........We still have a mile that way. ........Come on... This way. This way." Sam was panting from the running as he spoke. We ran through a building before taking off in another direction. I had sweat all over my face and down my back. Sounds attractive don't it?


As we ran in between huge pillars we heard a lot of booms from behind us. I looked up to see a 'meteor' fly over us.

"Keep going." I whisper before running after them again.


We ran along a house when we heard electronic noises.

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