We've Landed In Egypt

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"Ahhh!!" I screamed as I flew through the air. I did a quick prayer that don't land anywhere like Mikaela. I opened my eyes to see yellow metal coming closer. "Bumblebee!" I saw him move before I landed roughly in his hand. Well, dying by hitting a robot head-on wouldn't have been better. "Thank you." I tell him.

He nods at me before I look away to see Sam yelling and holding his wrist. I jumped down and ran over to him.

"Sam!" I heard Mikaela yell from the distance as I finally got to him.

"Where are we? Simmons!" Sam yells.

"Egypt." I tell him.

"Hey! Yeah!" I looked into the distance to see Simmons waving.

"You guys okay?" Sam asks as we ran to regroup.

"Yeah." Mikaela answers.

"Hey, I think we're in Vegas!" Leo yelled

"Egypt." I tell them again. I'm ignored. Go figure. I sigh and ran with them until we saw JetFire on top of a rock formation.

Once we get there everyone sits down but Simmons, he starts ranting. "That really, really hurt. You're just lucky that I didn't get hurt. People could have gotten killed, okay? And if I would have gotten hurt, you would have heard from my at-" Please shut up. I rub my temples as Simmons talks.

"Oh, shut up. I told you I was opening a space bridge. It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt." I shook my head and wiped my face with my hands, with a small smile on my face.

"When did you... when did you tell us? You didn't tell us anything. You didn't tell us anything. Why are we in Egypt?" Don't anger the huge mech Sam! If you'd ask me that question and actually listened to my answer, you'd know already.

"Don't you get snippy with me, fleshling! You were duly informed!" JetFire site down as he snaps.

"Can you just stop for a second? Can you focus? Can you tell us why we're in Egypt so we can all have a little bit of semblance of peace of mind?" Sam asks. I groan and fall onto my back before covering my face with my arms while I listened to them talk.

"This planet was visited by our race once before, by our earliest ancestors, a millennium ago. They were on an exploratory mission to harvest Energon, the lifeblood of our race. Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self! Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?" JetFire informs them.

"Let's not get episodic, okay? Old-timer? Beginning. Middle. End. Facts. Details. Condense. Plot. Tell it." I heard Simmons, I said it with him. Well...really I mumbled it into my arms.

"Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine. It harvests Energon... by destroying suns." JetFire says.

"Destroy suns?" Sam asked.

"Oh my Primus." I mumble while shaking my head.

"You mean blow them up?" Leo asked. I'll let that one pass, he's new to this.

"Yes. You see, in the beginning, there were seven Primes, our original leaders. And they set out into the universe, seeking distant suns to harvest. The Primes set out with one rule. Never destroy a planet with life. Until one of them tried to defy this rule. And his name forevermore was... the Fallen." A shiver rakes my body as I listen to the words. I can't imagine any of it happening but it would've been amazing to meet those Primes.

I heard a zapping like noise so I sat up and watched at a holographic scene started to play in front of us.

"He despised the human race and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine. The only way to activate it is with a legendary key called the Matrix of Leadership."

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