Robo-I Mean Simmons

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As we drove down the highway Leo started talking to Sam and Mikaela, seeing as I knew all of this.

"This guy, Robo-Warrior? Everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we revenge-hacked his site and maybe, I saw some of your... uh... alien drawings or whatever."

We continue to drive until we came to the deli that Simmons worked at.

"This is it. Yep. Deli. Good front! All right, wait here. I'll give you the go no-go. All right?" Leo told us as he walked inside.

Sam and Mikeala looked at me for guidance. "Are we really waiting for him?" Mikaela asked. I shook my head before walking towards Bee.

"Bee! Pop the trunk?" I asked him. Once he popped the trunk I got the box that held Wheelie out. "Wheelie. Please be quiet for a little bit longer? I promise we'll let you out if you be quiet...." I told him.

There was a pause before he spoke. "I don't know how you know my name, but fine!" I smiled before closing the trunk and walking towards the deli.

"Thanks Bee!" I called to him before entering.

As we entered and Leo saw us he pointed towards Simmons and yelled out. "Robo-Warrior. It's him! It's him! That's the guy right there! That's him!"

"No." Simmons whispered when he saw us.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sam said while putting his hood down.

"All right, meat store's closed! Everybody out!" Simmons started shooing everyone out of the store.

"When he says to go, you go." I heard his mom say from the back.

"Out! Right now. That means you, lady, right now." Simmons told a woman that just stood there staring.

"Wait a minute. You know this guy?" Leo asked.

"No! Simmons just closed the store because we're regulars and he wants to give us special treatment." I rolled my eyes.

"We're old friends." Sam said anyway.

"Old friends? You're the case that shut down Sector Seven, got the kibosh disbanded. No more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you and your little criminal girlfriend. Look at her now, so mature. And you, I never got your name." He told me.

"Ellie Jackson." I introduced.

"Moron! Where's the whitefish?" Simmons mom told a guy, I think is name is Yakov or something.

"Hey! Don't touch me with the pig." The guy told another employer.

"Yakov!" Yes! I remembered.


"You don't get Christmas bonuses standing around! You want those new teeth you saw on Sky Mall?" Simmons asked him.

"It's my dream." Yakov beat the meat he had on the counter as he answered.

"Help her out."

"You live with your mama?" Mikaela asked.

"No, my mama lives with me. It's a big difference. They've got your face all over the news, alien boy." I wondered why they didn't have me up there....oh well.

"Yeah, I know." Sam said while looking at the TV on the wall.

"And N.B.E.-one. Still kicking, huh? How did that happen? Don't answer. I don't know what you're hiding, but I don't want anything to do with it. So, good-bye. You never saw me. I got bagels to smear. Vanish." I laughed because that always got me. 'Vanish!' Simmons started to walk away.

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