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After leaving the battle field we went to an old warehouse where I was currently watching the news over Leo's shoulder as Sam sat outside. Don't get me wrong, I'm devastated that I had to watch Optimus, THE Optimus Prime die. I knew, however, that everything was going to work out.

"What we're hearing from the German government is that the world broadcast was a satellite hacking. The military has just told us they have assumed Condition Delta, which is the highest level we have been at since Nine-Eleven. President Obama is being flown to a bunker somewhere in the middle of the United States in the face of the worst simultaneous attacks ever around the globe. The aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt goes down off the East Coast, all hands lost. Worldwide casualties are in the neighborhood of seven thousand, but that number could climb. It's still too early to tell. What we need to ask now is, "who and why?"

Megatron and The Fallen and he wants The Matrix of Leadership which is hidden in Egypt. I had all, and I mean almost all, of the answers that they need. Yet I kept quiet.

"The FBI is still trying to locate the boy, Sam Witwicky." The newscaster added a clip of the the spokesman next. "We believe they have information about the attacks. The FBI, CIA and Interpol are all seeking the cooperation of worldwide law enforcement."

"Hey, bro, you need to listen to this, man. You gotta check this out." Leo called out to Sam.

"They have a traffic-camera spotting Sam and-" there was a video of Leo walking down the street with us.

"They have a picture of me, man. We're dead, bro. FBI, CIA, we are wanted fugitives now! I just need you to focus for one minute, man." Leo ran down the stairs and followed Sam toward where the Autobots and Mikaela were at.

"Leo, shut up." I told him as I ran after him.

"Just stop."

"This thing has blown up to a whole other level, all right? You-" Leo tried to get Sam to listen.

You know what? Give me this thing. They can track us. Do you see this?" Sam took his phone and threw it to the ground before stomping on it.

"What? They can track us? Like, satellite track us? Okay, I'm not even with you guys! Technically, I'm like a hostage. This is kidnapping! Enough is..." Leo was cut off by Mudflap. I laughed and began to watch their banter.

"Yo, Le-yo!"

"This thing's gonna give me a heart attack, I swear." I glared at Leo.

"They are not things!" I hissed at him.

"That's 'cause yous a wuss." Mudflap tells him.

"You guys forced me into that car, right, so-" Leo! Just stop! Sam's about to flip out.

"Ooh, I think he's scared." Mudflap tells Skids as he jumps down from the wall he was sitting on.

"Hey, Mudflap, what are we gonna do with this shrimp taco?" Skids asked his brother.

"Let's pop a cap in his ass, throw him in the trunk and then nobody gonna know nothing, know what I mean?"

"Not in my trunk."

"Yo, bumper cars?" Leo called up to them, stopping their banter. For now.

"Bumper cars?" Skids asked. I shook my head at them.

"Cut it out. I'm hearing you. Okay? I'm right here and I can hear you! No one's popping any caps in any asses, okay? I've had a hell! Of a day!" This made me mad but I didn't say anything. I hit him.

"Ow! Would you stop hitting me?!" I glared at him before walking off.

"Why don't you get a haircut with your bitch ass?" I heard Skids say.

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