It's Dust Now.....

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We drove until we came to our mark. I looked up at what we had to climb and regretted coming to Egypt....this isn't even the battle yet.

We got out and started to climb, now let me tell you, I'm not the best climber, I've climbed with harnesses before but never freely so if I fall....I die. Wish me luck. I climbed all the way, being careful on what I stepped on until I made it to the top.

"Yes!" I fist pumped before getting up and running with everyone. I slowed down when I heard Skids talking.

"Ssh. Undercover, yo. You got to blend in with your surroundings. You know, you got to be part of the landscape- ow!" I started laughing again when he turned around and ran into Bee's leg.

"Bumblebee isn't messing around, you two, I'd be careful!" I called to them before running to catch up with Sam and everyone.

I ran inside the building once Sam opened it and watched as Simmons ran in with Wheelie.

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay?"

"Sam their giant robots, that's a pretty huge scene itself." I told him.

He huffed at me as he ran past.

"Yeah, some of us got work to do! Dumb Autobots." Wheelie said before closing the door.

"Last time I checked, your an Autobot too." I told him as I followed Mikaela.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't made one."

Six hours later and we were at a building where we were going to sleep, until Sam wakes us up to see the stars that is.

I didn't care, I don't remember the last time I slept so the moment my head hit....I don't know what it hit, but I went to sleep.


"Simmons! Leo! Ellie! Wake up!" I jolted awake when I heard pounding footsteps up the stairs.

"Listen, astronomy class, page 47. Remember the class?" Sam asked Leo as I got up and raked my hair with my hands.

"No. No, I was only in college for two days. Remember that?"

"Here. Get up. Up, up."

"What are you talking about?" Simmons asked as he got up as well. I followed him outside with Leo behind me.

Sam pointed to the three stars once we got outside. I yawned because I was just forced out of sleep. "Okay, you see those three stars? You see how the last one touches the horizon? That's Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings. And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow staring us straight in the face."

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons said pointing.

We all turned around and started running toward the Autobots. I came to them first and patted Bee's hood.

"Come on, Bee, we're on the move again."


We were walking around the desert, and through narrow walk ways with Sam, Simmons, me, Wheelie, then Leo and Mikaela behind me.

"Got to be around here somewhere. I-" he cut himself off when we came to the building. My eyes widen, seeing it in person is amazing.

"Holy...." I trailed off as I stared at it. I ran with the others as they ran up to it.

"You see the size of this? You see this? Huh?" Simmons asked.

"No! Where is it?!" I asked spinning in circles.

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