Meeting With Optimus

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Don't ask how, but I was allowed to stay with Sam for the frat party but had to leave campus after it was settled down. Not a problem....we'll be gone by then.

Don't judge my attire...I'm not here to dance and fool around anyway.

"First frat party's the game changer, boys," I cleared my throat. "and chick, we're hunting in the wild now. So, get your game faces on." Leo told us. I rolled my eyes. I was walking behind them since I was taking all of this in, I was also getting ready for what was about to unfold.

"I can't stay long. I have a webcam date with my girlfriend." Sam told them as they got closer to the house.

"That's so cool." Fass said.

"No, it's not." Can someone say jealous?

Once we got to the house Leo got weird. I just started bobbing to the song blasting around the house.

"Burning down the house." I sang along with it.

"Woh-ho-ho. While he's making out with his MacBook, I'm gonna be getting my Spitzy freaky freak on. Let's roll." Leo and the weird twosome walked off leaving Sam and I.

"Where are you going?" I heard Sam ask as I was walking off.

"Don't worry about me, you go have fun..." I trailed off as I caught sight of Alice in the back of the room. I smiled before walking outside.

I walked down the road before leaning against a building waiting for Bee. I didn't know when he came exactly but I'd rather be outside than inside with all of the drunk boys trying to get some.

I didn't really have to wait for long though. I soon heard squealing tires before a yellow and black Camaro sped past me and parked on the lawn and setting his alarm off. I started walking towards them as I heard the senior yell out.

"Hey! Who drove the freaking yellow Camaro? Huh? There is a car on the lawn!"

I ran the rest of the way up to Bee before opening the back door and getting in.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked as he poked his head into the front window.

"Houston, we have a problem." Came through the radio.

"Sam, get it the car!" I hissed at him.

"What is it?" He glanced at me before looking up when the senior called out came out.



"That your car in our bushes?"

"No, there's a- there's a friend of mine, he just went to, ah, to get you a tighter shirt." I face palmed before shaking my head.

"There isn't a tighter shirt! We checked. Now how about I park my foot in your ass?" The other senior challenged.

"What size shoe do you wear?" Oh, Sam, get in the car and shut up!

"Just get in the car Samuel!" I yelled at him.


"Oh, you want? You want-"

"Hold on." Sam put his hand up in surrender before finally opening the car door.

"You wanna try?" I heard.

"I'll back it up right now." Sam told them. Finally. Oh wait, nope, not yet.

"You have- woah-ho, you have a ride? Bro, why are you holding out on us?" Leo asked coming outside.

"I've only known you 17 hours."

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