Alice The Robot

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Of course, I'm not in college, I should be! But I'm not. So I'm waiting outside. I'm waiting for Sam to come outside after his freak out in astronomy. I was tempted to call Mikaela and warn her about Wheelie but then thought better of it and just decided to let it pass.

I was sitting on the steps playing with my Autobot insignia necklace. It's been awhile since I've worn it but for some reason I wore it today. I haven't shown any of the bots yet, and I don't plan to. I don't know why, but I'd like to keep at least something to myself.

All of a sudden Sam came running by with all of his stuff in one arm and the other holding the phone to his ear.

"No, no, no. Stop laughing. This is serious, okay. Remember I was telling you about my great-great-grandfather, Archibald Witwicky?" He started to drop his stuff all over the floor. "Remember? Watch it, watch it, watch... No! Okay, remember how I was telling you how, okay, can you stop? Watch the foot! Watch your foot! Mikaela, okay, my great-great-grandfather went on this Arctic mission, right? And he saw Megatron. Megatron zapped him and he started seeing these crazy symbols." I just sat there staring with my eyebrows raised before stuffing the necklace into my shirt and running after him. "Okay. Well, now I'm seeing them, too. Excuse me. I just read a nine hundred and three page astronomy book in thirty two point six seconds. I had a meltdown in the middle of my class. I am seeing symbols ever since I..." touch the shard. Come on, Sam.

"Ever since I touched the Cube splinter. Do you have it?" Sam asked Mikaela.

"Mik- Mikaela, do not touch it, okay? Don't touch it." Watch for Wheelie!

Sam paused for a second while having a confused look on his face. I was staring at him so he shrugged before looking like he was concentrating. After a few seconds he blinks. "What the hell was that?"

He listened before hanging up and running off with me after him. When we got inside he ran into the halls with people moving trying not to get run over.

"Sorry! 'Scuse me! Excuse us! Yeah, sorry!" I called as I ran after him when he got inside he slammed the door in my face. "Thanks Samuel!" I called before sitting back against the wall.

After awhile of just sitting and people giving me weird looks Leo and Alice came down the hall.

"Hey, what are you doin'?" Leo asked.

"Chilling out....what does it look like, oh don't go in there." I told them but mostly glared at Alice.

"I'm looking for Sam." She told me but looked back up at Leo.

"Here we go." Leo said while opening the door.

"I warned you." I told him.

"Hey! You ever have a song stuck in your head? It's like the worst song ever, but you can't help to whistle it or sing it 'cause it, like, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself? Kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar..." Sam was throwing calendars across the room with symbols all over the room. And I mean all over the room.

"Dude, what the eff?" Leo asked shocked.

"I know you're freaking out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Easy fix. Puzzle code in my head. Now it's on the walls. Everything is good. This is the part that-" He dropped something before starting the shush it. "Shh! Shh! Shh! Okay, you were saying?" I walked up behind them and stared at Sam before laughing, when everyone was looking at me I cleared my throat before pivoting on my foot and went back to the wall.

"Alice, I'm horrified you had to see this. Let's go." Leo tried to get her to leave. Not. A. Chance. Leo.

"Get out." Alice pushed him out of the room before shutting the door behind her with Leo yelling after her.

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