I'm Sorry Optimus

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"Okay, so what else don't I know, all right? Since you guys forgot to mention some minor details." Leo asked us.

"That thing you saw back there, that was the little baby- whoa! Whoa!" I didn't have a chance to tell him that I know everything because Blackout came towering over us.

"Hold on!" I yell. Of course, Sam and Mikaela know that I knew what I was talking about so they held onto what they can. Leo. Just stared.




Guess which ones me....

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Leo yells when the grapple hook came through the roof. A car hits us from the side sending up flying up twirling.

"Whoaah!" Sam falls out of the car.

"Saaaam!" Mikaela screams. I stand up in my seat before squeezing between the car and Sam's seat trying to pull him in.

"Sam! Sam!" Mikaela keeps calling as if he'd come flying back in the car if she did it enough.

"Hold on!" Leo was trying the pull him up from the broken window above me.

"Pull me up!" Sam had a good grip since he was still hanging on with the car spinning.

"Sam! Get back in-" We finally got him back in the car.

"Whoah! I don't want to die! We're gonna die! Oh my god!" Leo yelled as we were facing the building from above.

"If we were going to die, would I still be in here?!" I asked.

We all screamed when we started falling. It was scary! You know that feeling when you start falling and you feel like your stomach was left behind? That's what I felt, only worse. "Everybody get next to a door!" I screamed as we landed.

There was suddenly a huge saw slicing the car in half.

"Oh Jesus! Oh Jesus!" Leo yelled when Starscream knelt down behind us.

"Fah. Let's see.." Starscream spit beside the car.

I turned around with Mikaela to see Megatron.

"Come here, boy. Mmm... closer." Megatron told Sam. Sam started to walk down the stairs with his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay."

"You remember me, don't you?" Megatron asked Sam.

"I did what you said, okay? Just don't hurt us." Sam told him. Wrong thing to do Sam.

"Shut up!" He used his claw the make Sam fly across the room and land on a cement platform.

"Sam!" Mikaela yelled from beside me, Leo was behind us watching the scene in shock.

"Yeah. Yes, yes." Megatron hissed while grabbing Sam's arms and legs. "It feels good to grab your flesh! I am going to kill you! Slowly, painfully. But first, we have some delicate work to do."

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" Sam yells as Mikaela and I get closer to the railing.

"How I could snap your limbs off! Doctor, examine this alien specimen." He orders Scalpel.

He talked in Cybertronian, but sliced Sam face at one point. Mikaela was in tears while Leo watched in horror. I just watched. Hey! I've seen it before, jeez, give me a break.

Scalpel starts to do it things with Sam while we all watch from the railing on top.

Some drones came flying in with the worm like Con in their hold.

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