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The boarders of the Outer-Rim were as dull as always. The black void of space dotted with its multicolored stars still surrounded them. The Rhanta (Rhanta: a huge, hulking, mammalian-like creature which on average stand at about 8 feet tall. They have thick hides and grey skin.) High Admiral Siem-bosen had begun to wonder why his fleet continued to be stationed here in a useless, not to mention needless, blockade. It had been so long since he had seen real combat, he had begun to wonder why he was even still here at all. But, until the day he died he supposed that he would be staring at the vastness of space, uselessly.

He took his attention from the void of space outside to the vast interior of the main command center of the central space station. The tubes which ran around the corners of the interior cast the walls and consoles on them in a faint orange light. In front of him the floor banked down, shielding the monitors and their consoles from outside view. This space was matched on his right and left sides, as well as behind him. This part of the command post was under intense white light from the glass cylinders which ran along the ceiling; these lights also stretched out in an X, meeting together in the middle above Siem's chair.

Siem brought up the holographic controls on the right rest of his chair. He went to the status of the station and scanned over all the diagnostics. Looking over all of the systems lazily, his eye lids beginning to get heavy. He switched over to the status of all the warships surrounding the station to keep himself from falling asleep due to boredom.

"Shak-Hai!" One of the scanner monitors yelled from his console and many of the others stirred, their screens immediately flashing red and yellow, lighting up their faces.

"What is it?" Siem asked, a bit of surprise in his voice. Then, he saw what it was as he made his way over to the monitor. The hyper-engine jump signatures were off the charts, and all of them registered as unknown in origin. There were at least ten-thousand and that was just what the monitors could pick up. "What is their estimated place of destination!" He asked the monitor who had yelled.

"Here, from what we can tell sir!"

"Communication's officer, report these scanner readings to the Simbashi Systems and the Councils of the Coalition immediately!" Siem yelled to the communication's officer and started back towards his seat at the bridge.

"When will they be deploying here?" He asked not talking to any particular monitor.

"Our best estimates say within minutes sir." One of them replied from his console.

"High Admiral, the Councils and Simbashi Systems have been sent our report, and we await their reply!" The communications officer yelled from his station. "Do you have orders sir?"

Siem thought about it for a moment. He was one of the best admirals in the entire U.C.G.S. (Universal Coalition of Galactic Systems) and had the largest and most powerful fleet under his command. However, unfortunately, with the absence of combat his fleet had been split into many smaller fleets. He only had a bit over three hundred warships on station here in this blockade.

This was part of the fleet which had single-handedly brought an end to the Universal Ectivian (Ectivian extremist who wish to preserve their cultural ways and keep to themselves. These creatures are reptilian, sleek and thin in stature. They range from 5-7 feet in size on average and could be a variety of different colors.) insurgency that had swept across the Galactic Ectivians (Ectivians who were approached by the Coalition and wished to join and were attacked by the Universal Ectivians for doing so) after they had split to establish themselves as part of the Coalition 6,000 years ago. They had succeeded where the Alterian, Zantarian, and even human fleets had failed, wiping out a force nearly three times the size of their own. But, with only this much of his mighty fleet, there was no hope they could defeat this force. And the nearest fleet that would be able to offer assistance was a detachment of the 495th Elite Guard from the humans.

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