Chapter 14: Operation Unyielding Shield

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04 April 25,024

"This is a far larger operation than any of the ones you all have been on so far." Bouldren said, bringing our attention to the holographic of a planet. "Orion V is a very important section of the Outer-Rim defensive line that we have been missing for some time. Many of our recent efforts in the surrounding quadrants have been towards once again securing it. Now we finally have the opportunity to bring the line back to full, with the capture of this planet."

     Here Bouldren smiled.

     "The Calthesian fleet that was guarding the area was cut to a third of its size after all of their available support ships went to help their offensive fleets in the area. With their line so thinly stretched like this, we can easily punch through it and begin Operation Unyielding Shield.

     "You all will be split for this mission, helping in a three-pronged offensive effort in the Felt Sector. You will clear the way for supply lines and secure one of our main frontline command centers." The councilman stopped, pacing around the projection table, and turning to face us.

     "Eagle-Eye you will be working with Delta Platoon to retake Fort Terry to stand in as a temporary staging point for our forces. While that is happening, Sharp-Shooter will be working with Theta Platoon to take back Renegade Pass. Finally, at the same time, Iron-Sights will be working with Alpha Platoon to secure the area dubbed as Shanty, where we plan to construct our frontlines command center with the path all of you carve.

     "Do you all understand your objectives?" The councilman asked.

     "Yes, sir!" We all responded in unison.

     "Very good. Your projectors have each been updated with the necessary information for the Orion V offensive, you will have more than enough time to review it on your way to your post. Dismissed."


James seemed to be the most upset out of all of us at the revelation that we would be working separately on this next mission. I had to admit that was saying something because I was extremely angered over this decision myself. It may be necessary, but an offensive effort like this could take a very long time, there was no telling how long we would be apart.

     "I mean seriously, they're going to separate us, but we will need to be paired with special forces groups. We won't be able to see each other for Tyndal knows how long. I mean a planetary wide offensive could take fucking years to accomplish in full."

      James was raving next to me, Amelia and I both silently watching the ground.

     We were all gathering our gear when my mind really began eating away at me. All of us had never been separated for something like this before in four years of operations now. We had worked with numerous special forces groups before this, so I wasn't worried about the ability of those soldiers, but I couldn't say that I had to be worried about Amelia and James either.

     Both of them were more than capable of handling themselves and leading a small force of competent fighters. But would they be alright? What if something went wrong and we were not there to help each other? What if I was not there to help them? It gnawed at me, and I felt it would tear me to pieces. My fist clenched on my shoelaces as I laced them until my knuckles turned white.

     There was a simple way to settle this. None of us had ever broken a promise that we had made to one another.

      "Listen to me," I said standing and turning to face them both. "I want all of us to make a promise right here and now that when this offensive is over, we will see one another again."

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