Chapter 1: Subjects

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Dr. Lidsdale, Personal Log: 09/26/25,000 A.D.

It has finally come time for the councils to make a decision. With the return of the Calthesians there was much hardship and confusion, but even with that only a week after the first attack all councils unanimously agreed to declare war on them, an incredible feat that was a first in history. So, now, only four months into this bloodshed, the time has come for the councils to meet once again and discuss how the war efforts are faring. Though, just today, men showed up on my doorstep. I was asked to attend the debate, as one of the leading scientists in the study of human psychology. I wonder why they are calling in doctors and scientist to participate in what is clearly a military matter. I suppose that we will all find out come tomorrow when the meeting takes place. Mary has yet to go into labor, so I will go, if only to see what all of this is about.

Dr. Lidsdale, Personal Log: 09/27/25,000 A.D.

I must say that it was quite an interesting, not to mention troubling, debate. It was broadcast in all languages, though only internally as it was more of a hush hush type meeting, I believe. It raised quite a few issues with many of the doctors and scientist, me included. The councils and the leading generals all wish to take children, nearly thirty or so from every species, eight to ten of which will be chosen to train in the most advanced arts of war and be taught by the best in the fields of knowledge. When government agents showed up on my doorstep yesterday, I had never dreamed it would be so I could hear such utter nonsense. This is a laughable proposition I thought. However, we all sat there, listening, and slowly one by one we began to ask why. Why would they want to do such a thing and what was their plan?

They replied that they wanted small elite teams, small enough to infiltrate high security sites and experienced enough to turn the tides of battles. We intervened that ten beings were likely to be easily detected. They merely scoffed. "The unnecessaries will be weeded out along the way. When we finish there will be three to four members left from each species to comprise eight different teams."

This has assured my suspicions that this war has gotten far worse and farther from resolution, especially since they are planning to train children until the age of twenty to fight. This means they not only predict that the war will go on for at the very least another twenty years, but that they are also running out of options and ideas for what can be done to stop it.

After the meeting, I was approached and asked to be the head psychologist for the human children. I naturally refused and let them know I wanted no part in such ludicrous programs. I must move with Mary quickly to escape from this madness. The sooner and the farther we can get from all of this the better.


A letter from Doctor Hilbert J. Lidsdale to his wife Mary.

My Dearest Mary,

I know that you will wonder why I have left and why our newest child has disappeared with me. I will first say that I am sorry to have left. The officials that came to speak to me days ago about taking up a position in their new program returned. They said it would be fine should I still refuse their offer, but that our son would be going with them. Apparently, his results came back in the highly optimal range. Naturally I refused, but there were soldiers. They had their firearms at the ready, said that I could not object. I offered myself in the infant's place. They informed me that I could either come with them or stay, regardless of that the child would go with them. So, I went. I will look after our son; I promise that I will see to it that he is alright. I cannot tell you where we are going, and I will never see you again. Know that I love you and always will. I know that Andy and Sal will take care of you even though I cannot. I do not dare to hope that you will ever forgive me but please know that I did not do this to hurt you Mary.

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